General Boards > Maps In Progress

Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind

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I have started to map out Bubsy for the SNES. The plan is to initially go through and map out all the chapters without the enemies then go through a second time to include all the little details (enemies/yarnballs/etc.). Any feedback would be great!
Thank you!

Current Work:

Area 1: Plains

* Chapter One: Cheese Wheels of Doom
* Bonus
* Chapter Two: Forbidden Plummet
* Bonus
* Chapter Three: A Bridge Too Fur
* Bonus
Area 2: Carnival

* Chapter Four: Fair Conditioning
* Bonus
* Chapter Five: Night of the Bobcat
* Bonus
* Chapter Six: Our Furless Leader
* Bonus
Area 3: Train Above Desert

* Chapter Seven: The Good, the Bad and the Woolies - Train , Desert
* Bonus
* Chapter Eight: A Fistful of Yarn - Train , Desert
* Bonus
* Chapter Nine: Dances With Woolies - Train , Desert
* Bonus
Area 4: Oregon

* Chapter Ten: Beavery Careful
* Bonus
* Chapter Eleven: Rock Around the Croc
* Bonus
* Chapter Twelve: Claws For Alarm
* Bonus
Area 5: Jungle Canopy

* Chapter Thirteen: Eye of the Bobcat
* Bonus
* Chapter Fourteen: No Time to Paws
* Bonus
* Chapter Fifteen: Lethal Woolie
* Bonus
Area 6: Boss Ship

* Chapter Sixteen: A Farewell to Woolies
* Bonus

Future Work:

Update: 04/23/21: Bonus Rooms for Plains and Carnival, updated Carnival Chapter Four
Update: 04/26/21: Bonus Rooms for Desert, also starting to realize every 3rd bonus room is the same...
Update: 05/06/21: Bonus Rooms for Oregon, Jungle Canopy, and Boss Ship. A lot of repeat levels

You are pretty courageous to take on that game!

Are you using some kind of cheat codes to control the camera or reach out of bounds? It looks like you're not leaving any area unexplored Can't wait to see more!

Thanks! It's been a fun process so far.

I'm using midair jump cheat and then using GIMP to fill in the spots i can't see such as floors and deep underground textures. So far it's been enough, but lets see what happens in Carnival stages.

I've now added the first pass up to Area 4. I hope to have the last few areas down by the end of September and then start to map out the bonus rooms.

I do have a question. How does one handle dynamic maps? Such as a lever lowering or raising water. Do you make two versions of the map or add the changes in transparent form?
Thanks for any feedback.


--- Quote from: beltran63 on August 30, 2020, 02:03:44 pm ---I do have a question. How does one handle dynamic maps? Such as a lever lowering or raising water. Do you make two versions of the map or add the changes in transparent form?

--- End quote ---

That's a very good question to which there is unfortunately no universal answer. I used to be sure how to handle such cases but the more maps I made, the less certain I became.

Nowadays, if at all possible, I would try to do two maps: 1) the initial state as you first encounter it and 2) the finished state where everything has been changed/destroyed/revealed. I would personally try to avoid or limit instructions depicting how the changes are caused but that's mostly because I prefer aesthetic maps. Your mileage will vary if you're trying to make a visual walkthrough.

If the map is really simple though like an area with a few hidden paths, I'd probably make a single map with the hidden paths visible because the initial map doesn't depict a different state, just an incomplete one.

I hope I'm not leaving you with more questions than you had before!


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