General Boards > Map Requests

Wanted : Seiken densetsu 3 maps


Hello !

I'm looking for some maps of Seiken densetsu 3 (castles, caves, forests...), and I cannot find that on the web, except of screenshots.

Even Vgmaps doesn't seems to be able to supply me more than the worldmap...

Is there someone who could give me a hint for that?

Thanks by advance. :-)

Eggz was working on maps for this game. But it will take a long time in case Eggz is still working on them.

The game is very big and there are multiple paths depending on your chosen characters.

Yeah, i'm geting back to it. It's going to take a while, since I'm going through all three story lines at the same time so I can get all the itmes right in the weapons and defence shops. I'll send in a few completed areas soon.


Q: What weighs six ounces, sits in a tree, and is dangerous?

A: A sparrow with a machine gun.

      - The Riddler; Batman the Movie


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