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Messages - JonLeung

Pages: 1 ... 219 220 [221] 222 223 ... 243
Gaming / RE: Portal Training Video
« on: July 26, 2006, 02:27:35 pm »
Well, it'd be screwy if they weren't on walls/floors/ceilings.

Like, what would happen if you stepped through the backside of a portal, but then stepped back?  Would your leg be severed?  Would you even be able to step through a portal from the backside?

Gaming / RE: says that the Wii could come out in...
« on: July 26, 2006, 02:25:33 pm »
I'm not sure what you mean by "backwards", but being Canadian, our Thanksgiving is like a month earlier than Americans', falling on what they call "Columbus Day".

If they have to launch on a Monday (which I doubt they will) then it should be that holiday Monday, Oct. 9.

Gaming / RE: says that the Wii could come out in...
« on: July 26, 2006, 12:11:40 pm »
Assuming that Nintendo doesn't want to launch the Wii on the same week as DS games (they wouldn't want to crowd themselves), a recently released schedule for Q4 2006 shows a new DS game released by Nintendo themselves every Monday...with the exception of the two Mondays immediately after the PS3 launch, Nov. 20 and Nov. 27 (which surprises me), and the first one in Q4, Oct. 2.

Assuming Nintendo launches before the PS3, as they keep telling us they will, people seem to be betting on Oct. 2.

Though Nov. 20, one of the other "blank" days, is Mexico's Revolution Anniversary.  Which would be neat, if we lived in Mexico.

VGMaps Social Board / Michael Jackson & Famicom videos
« on: July 25, 2006, 07:33:29 pm »
I've posted them before, but I don't think I posted the third...meh, it's not as good as the first two, though.

Michael Jackson & Famicom videos

If that doesn't work, try here, and scroll down to 17, 18, or 19.

These were done by the same guy (I think) who did SEGA Fantasy VI, which is pretty cool if you know your games and enjoyed Final Fantasy VI.

Gaming / RE: Brain Age (DS) Bragging
« on: July 25, 2006, 07:37:13 am »
Now this is amusing.

My supervisor was mentioning how her memory was going bad, so I briefly mentioned Brain Age to her last week.

Over the weekend she saw an ad for Brain Age in a fitness magazine and now she wants me to show it to her.

EDIT: I showed it to her today and she got a Brain Age of 63.  Then I laughed at her.  >_>

Map Requests / RE: Mario, Donkey Kong, and Yoshi maps
« on: July 24, 2006, 10:10:10 pm »
You could/should make another topic for those Micro Machines maps. You already know how difficult it is for requests to be fulfilled, but it's less likely if they're going to be drowned out in this topic.

Anyway, RyuMaster just sent in maps for the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2 (the Famicom version of what we know as Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels).  I'll probably get them up this weekend.

VGMaps Social Board / RE: Transformers Movie discussion
« on: July 24, 2006, 07:57:06 pm »
Here are the teaser posters...which look almost exactly as I had imagined (and that everyone would've expected)...

User posted imageUser posted image

Message Board Help / RE: How the hell do I read a PM!?
« on: July 24, 2006, 12:12:30 pm »
Thank you for that, by the way.  :)

My name, as you can tell, isn't very original.  It's usually JonLeung, though there have been variations like JonLeung1, JonathanLeung, or JLeung...

Which might be a concern, but if you look up my name in Google, you would find a large number of Jonathan Leungs that AREN'T me...including a white guy, a wrestling fan, some guy who knows Jet Li or Jackie Chan or one of those Asian actors, and more.

I've often recounted the story of another Jonathan Leung at my high school who was a foreign exchange student who didn't renew his student visa.  They were asking me about it, and at the time I didn't know what that was, so I was like, "I don't have a credit card!"  >_>

I may change me name one day, but only if I find one that I know I'll like enough to stick with for a long time.

On a side note, "VGMAPS.COM" was the name of my Nightmare character that I worked on in the Conquest Mode of Soul Calibur II (arcade version exclusive mode) that eventually racked up over 10000 wins (a feat that took over 80 hours).  I've mentioned that before in a topic in the Gaming board but I thought it was worth pointing out that at one time this site was my name, so to speak.

Message Board Help / RE: How the hell do I read a PM!?
« on: July 22, 2006, 10:17:00 pm »

Try "tabbing" (or shift+tabbing) over to where the subject line would've been, then press enter. I probably just forgot a subject, so you have to click on (or enter) a no-letter subject title.

VGMaps Social Board / RE: Transformers Movie discussion
« on: July 22, 2006, 08:11:53 am »
Apparently it's been confirmed that Peter Cullen, the voice of G1 cartoon's Optimus Prime, has been confirmed to do the voice of Optimus Prime in the movie.

Frank Welker, the voice of the G1 cartoon's Megatron, has apparently auditioned and is being considered.

VGMaps Social Board / RE: New Transformers The Movie DVD coming soon
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:53:16 pm »
TerraEsperZ Said:
The man who composed the musical score is named Vince DiCola, and he also did Rocky IV (which has the same kind of electronic music).
Having seen Rocky IV on TV just last week, in fact, I noted how Ivan Drago's theme was similar to Unicron's!

Funny how we seem to talk about movies that I've recently seen.

VGMaps Social Board / RE: New Transformers The Movie DVD coming soon
« on: July 21, 2006, 12:50:56 pm »
Thanks for clearing that up, bustin98!  Obviously I'm not as well-versed in Transformers as I had hoped...time for me to pick up the DVDs of the entire G1 cartoon series.

Despite having watched it numerous times on VHS, I will likely buy this DVD.  My friend had the Canadian version of the movie on DVD (before it got stolen)...though I forget how it was different from the original US DVD release...but it was still pretty bare-boned.  I recall it had a video with a short interview with the composer (forgive me for forgetting his name at this moment) but little else.

I also remember that one chapter was called "Swear Word".  Sheesh.

VGMaps Social Board / RE: New Transformers The Movie DVD coming soon
« on: July 21, 2006, 09:09:55 am »
I just didn't remember Blaster as being in any of the pre-movie episodes, but it's not like I'm saying he's unwelcome at all.

I believe the MP-04 Optimus Prime is the best looks like that one, with the long stacks (gasp!) and the trailer as well.  Too bad they didn't go with this most popular design of Optimus for the live-action movie...

As for this 20th anniversary DVD of the movie (which is what this topic is about), I certainly hope there are some good extras.  I heard that there will be some "Transformers facts" submitted by fans (I guess they think they can depend on the fans for the fact-checking, which, though kind of sad, is probably necessary), and those will probably be those "pop-up" things that seem popular on DVDs, but there ought to be more than that.

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