JonLeung Said: Great, I lost another long post because my IE *@#!ed up again.
Summarized repost:
The pages were made in Microsoft Word back in 2002 (I didn't want to mess with coding). Then I switched to Microsoft FrontPage which allowed my flexibility with the coding but also inserted a lot of unnecessary code. Despite a "revamp" in 2006 - which was mostly just a redesigned front page and a palette swap from black to white - the atlas pages haven't truly changed much since. Sure, there have been minor tweaks, but nothing I'd call an overhaul. I guess the tables made sense when I only had a few maps on each page to begin with but maybe not now when we've got over 12000 and the biggest sections have 2000+ maps each.
For the possible revamp that keeps on coming up in discussion, the atlas structure is pretty much the main concern as to why we should even have a revamp. So if and when I get to that, expect something more dynamic and efficient, ie. only pulling up the requested information.
That's why you should use Firefox.
But, glad to know you're at least aware of the problem, have you looked into PHP any?