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Messages - VGCartography

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Here's a python function that will do it, given two input images and an output path (black for matching areas, red for different):

Code: [Select]
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

def compare_images(image_path1, image_path2, output_path):
    img1 =
    img2 =
    if img1.size != img2.size:
        raise ValueError("Images must be the same size.")
    # Convert images to numpy arrays
    arr1 = np.array(img1)
    arr2 = np.array(img2)
    if arr1.shape != arr2.shape:
        raise ValueError("Images must have the same number of channels.")
    # Find where pixels are the same (set to black) and different (set to red)
    diff = np.zeros_like(arr1)
    mask = np.any(arr1 != arr2, axis=-1)  # True where pixels differ
    diff[..., 0] = mask * 255  # Red channel
    diff[..., 1] = 0           # Green channel
    diff[..., 2] = 0           # Blue channel
    # Convert back to image
    output_img = Image.fromarray(diff)

Awesome, thanks!

I used a suite called vstools to make these maps:
With this I could export things to OBJ format and render them orthographically for the maps. There were a couple challenging dungeons when it came to mapping - the Snowfly Forest and the Iron Maiden B2 lategame level are both labyrinths that don't fit together coherently (the traditional warp-maze style areas) so those have a ton of lines all over them connecting exits. Otherwise, the whole game world fits together pretty coherently at a time when that wasn't always the case. The game is open world in the sense that you can teleport to previous save points (eventually) and everything is continuous so you can always backtrack, rather than being discrete linear levels. As a result it feels like a consistent place.

If this game had a less obtuse combat system, it could've had a legacy up there with MGS1. The presentation, graphics, writing, cutscenes are fantastic for the PS1. But alas, the game is notoriously complex and difficult to wrap your head around the nuances of the combat system so a lot of people bounced off it. It is more of a cult classic now. For those who aren't familar, the director of this created the Ivalice world setting that is used here, in Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy 12. There is some vague DNA shared across them.

Maps In Progress / Re: FlyingArmor's Map Projects Present and Future
« on: August 21, 2024, 05:45:13 pm »
Unrelated, but I just had a look at your DeviantArt page. I had no idea you were such an excellent artist beyond your stuff on VGMaps! Your work is really impressive, your portraits in particular remind me of official Phoenix Wright artwork. Cool to see all that variety!

Maps In Progress / Re: My mapping projects
« on: August 14, 2024, 04:24:42 pm »
I referenced your maps when I played through Sweet Home this summer! Neat little NES game, wish that had made it over to the US back then.

I set up DS/3DS emulators on Retroarch recently, I still have both but I haven't jailbroken them and I like seeing what the big screen has to offer. But, the downside is that games like Hotel Dusk lose some of the magic when they use special features like closing and reopening the system. On the other hand, there are so many fantastic RPGs and other games that work really well with one large screen and the other screen off in the corner - especially with the right analog mapped to cursor/clicking, it works really well. I've been enjoying revisiting some of the older DS titles especially that haven't been ported. Will always be a bit awkward to play outside their original hardware for sure.

Maps In Progress / Re: FlyingArmor's Map Projects Present and Future
« on: June 29, 2024, 04:25:28 pm »
Fantastic work so far as always. I love the world maps for this game, and the SNES version color palette in general

Maps In Progress / Re: Tony: Montezuma's Gold
« on: June 17, 2024, 08:30:56 am »
cool new C64 game. making it with screenshots?

Maps In Progress / Re: VGCartography - getting to work on PS1 maps!
« on: May 15, 2024, 04:27:39 pm »
Thanks YelseyKing. I didn't do most of the Laguna alternates yet (or the red Esthar during siege) because honestly I got a bit burnt out on FF8 and it took me a long time to finish these so I didn't have the heart to do the doubles yet. At some point I'll go back and do those and the Chocobo forests as well. I also thought about some kind of Triple Triad-themed map? Maybe the Queen or important unique cards? But I'm not sure quite what that would look like yet.

FF9 I plan to finish up early summer.

Maps In Progress / Re: VGCartography - getting to work on PS1 maps!
« on: May 13, 2024, 09:56:39 am »
A bunch more maps went up:

- THPS 2-4 (PS1)
- Jak and Daxter (PS2)
- MediEvil (PS1)
- MGS3
- Arkham Asylum
- Twisted Metal 1+2
- Luigi's Mansion
- Wild Arms 1+2 world maps

I need to check, there are others like Mario Sunshine that I finished but I'm not sure I submitted them here. Working on finishing MediEvil, possibly J&D (some levels are being annoying), then maybe some classic Crash Bandicoot maps.

e: Oh! I finished FF8 and half of FF9 + Legend of Dragoon also! Submitting the rest of those now!

Thanks much all!

This game also has a special place for me, we had the floppy disks and the big manual and a tiny flipbook you had to use to pass the anti-cheat system where you looked up which object was on a random page. The low-res shapes and polygons made some of the creatures even more unknowable and weird, love how goofy yet sinister they are/move.

I'm not much for drawing without heavy reference material, so I used the game screenshots & tigrouind's AITD-roomviewer to extract 3d models of the actual collision in each room (basically uber-simple cubes) to get scale and layout accurate. I've been doing a similar map for RE1, hope to wrap that up pretty soon.

Maps In Progress / Re: FlyingArmor's Map Projects Present and Future
« on: February 20, 2024, 07:16:12 am »
Excited to see DQ6, appreciate all the effort!

Maps In Progress / Re: Doom2D (1996, PC, DOS)
« on: October 28, 2023, 09:53:02 am »
Fun little niche project to pick. I usually email Jon the webmaster with new maps, but he will probably see these posts as well.

Maps In Progress / Re: eishiya's Maps.
« on: September 17, 2023, 07:23:42 pm »
Thank you for all your work on this one... found the game really difficult but I love studying the spritework.

Maps Of The Month / Re: 2023/04: Super Mario 64 (N64) - VGCartography
« on: April 02, 2023, 09:29:43 am »
Sweet. Crazy how well this game has held up next to contemporaries like Bubsy. Basically set the template for 10s of platformers in the PS1/N64 era and even into PS2 days with stuff like Jak and Daxter.

Maps In Progress / Re: VGCartography - getting to work on PS1 maps!
« on: February 08, 2023, 02:43:27 pm »
Haven't updated in too long, but in general..

- Submitted Metal Gear Solid and VR Missions.
- Submitted all 3 Tomb Raiders now
- Submitted Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
- Submitted Banjo Kazooie
- Submitted Super Mario 64
- Submitted Alone in the Dark
...probably others.

I am halfway (Disc 1+2) through both Final Fantasy 8 and 9, should finish them up relatively soon. Also plan on THPS2. Want to spend a little time poking at Gex 2 on PS1 also. Did about half of Mario Sunshine so far.

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