Hey everyone.

Until now, I had been an active lurker (heheh) here for the past few months when I first discovered VGMaps. In that time, I resurrected a mapping project that had been lying dormant for eight years (I can't believe it's been that long... O_o), and that project is Paladin's Quest, one of my favourite RPGs for the SNES.
I have most of the game mapped out already, so it'll only be a matter of time before everyone gets to see them, but for now I'll post the overworld map.
http://zanazac.teardrop.ca/Paladin'sQuest-LennusWorldMap.pngI probably spent at least 20 hours working on this thing, most of that time spent lining up all those islands in the ocean hemisphere and making sure the ocean currents were done properly. But for the most part I'm really happy with it. What do you all think?

Some other mapping projects I'd like to start (or have already started) include: Lennus II, Lufia and the Fortress of Doom, and The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang.
I'm better known on the net as zanazac (
http://zanazac.deviantart.com), but for here, I thought I'd try out a different name. Nice to meet you all.