Author Topic: Troy's Junk and Stuff  (Read 65640 times)

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Offline Troy Lundin

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2012, 01:03:47 pm »
This is good possible (I'm only a Human not a Robot. ^^). Have to test it out and if its indeed so, then redo the Map and resubmit it in.

If you can find where treasure is stored in memory, it would be simple to check. All four chests are linked to the same bit.

Offline Paco

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2012, 01:26:06 pm »
I'm not a Expert for complicated Stuff like Memory and such. *walk away*
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Offline Troy Lundin

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2012, 01:15:46 am »
After a major overhaul of my Tagger including many additional QoL features, I present to you: Earthgift Shrine.

Check out that desert. That was fun to do. :D

Offline Paco

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2012, 01:04:03 pm »
fixed the error you found and will resubmit it soon. Did you find more Error on my Maps (i hope not. ^^)?
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Offline Troy Lundin

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2012, 03:03:49 pm »
I haven't looked over your other maps. I just noticed that the chests were shared and wanted to see how you handled it. I don't remember any chests that are actually empty. If the chest was already open, then it was a shared chest.

I made a list of which bit in memory each chest refers to. There are some bits that I haven't discovered yet, not sure why. I made the listing for the state editor I made. I'll go through it again and see if the missing bits actually refer to anything.

Offline Troy Lundin

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2012, 03:30:08 am »
Been real busy with work and trying to get my programs up and running (damn you Tagger!).

Here is another effort at a town map. Enjoy.

Edit: Ok, final effort. Looks good enough to submit.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 03:30:09 pm by Troy Lundin »

Offline Troy Lundin

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2013, 05:21:43 pm »
Medabots RPG - Rokusho Version.

Found a way to freely move around maps.
Disabled random encounters.
Disabled a single timer that controlled all background animation.
Found memory offsets for camera location, actor location, and map ID .
Found memory offset that will reload the map, allowing instant map transitions.

Capturing begins!

Edit: Got through 192 scenes. Everything after 00BF just gave a frozen white screen. This has to be the fastest I have ever captured a game.

More info:
Each scene has a maximum size of 512x512. Moving past that just loops. I have just captured the raw scenes. I probably will just post them raw and let someone else piece them together.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 05:57:49 pm by Troy Lundin »

Offline snesmaster

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2013, 09:22:01 pm »
Sounds like you found a lot of useful codes to make the mapping much easier.  I never played this game back in the day.  I may have to check it out sometime.

Offline Troy Lundin

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #23 on: March 16, 2013, 12:07:49 am »
I don't see a point in mapping a game unless I have (at least) a Freemove code. I usually have to find them myself.
I see no point if you can't be sure you captured the entire map.

I used three codes:

0300640B 0000   No Random Battles
03006415 0000   Timer for background animations.
0300643c 001E   Increases movement speed and allows walking through objects. Transitions still work.

Here are other offsets:

There are three spots for camera coordinates. Each one belongs to a layer (BG0, BG1, et cetera). I just used this one.
0300057C   Camera X-coordinate.
0300057E   Camera Y-coordinate.

03005312   Setting this to 03 will reload the map. Setting it to 01 will move you in the direction you are facing, bypassing objects.
03005FDE   Map ID

03006432   Actor X-coordinate
03006434   Actor Y-coordinate

The actor location, camera location, and map ID were used in my mapper program. Finding the byte that reloads the map is what made this fast. Here was the process. I was using write mode on my mapper program.

0. Set map ID to 00.

1. Reload map (change byte to 03). This loads the map corresponding to the current map id.
2. Capture map.
3. Hit Save button.
4. Increment map ID.
5. Back to step 1.

Because the maps were small (all smaller than 512x512), they took maybe 15 seconds each to capture. It was pretty ridiculous, to be quite honest.

Offline snesmaster

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2013, 02:15:51 pm »
Kewl, thanks for sharing all that.  I also try to find a walk through walls code for any game I map, as well as invincibility so the enemies won't bump me around when I'm trying to stand in a certain spot to capture the map.  Some games I'm able to find a code that stops the animations easily, other games it takes a while, or I just give up and try to pause on the same frame before capturing each screen if it is just a simple animation.  I have not tried mapping any games yet for any of the hand held systems.  So far I have just done games for NES and SNES.

Offline Troy Lundin

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Re: Troy's Junk and Stuff
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2013, 12:40:29 am »
The only information I will never map without are the coordinates and the map ID. Lucky for me, every single game contains this information somewhere in it's memory. It has to, so the game know where you are and what map you are on. Once it's found, you can make perfect maps, as if you just ripped them straight from the rom itself.