Hi everyone,
First, let me introduce myself. I'm Danilo Passos, A.K.A |N|NjA|, founder of the Brazilian website zelda.com.br. For over the last couple of months, I've been working restless on a little project involving googlemaps and game maps. Please, keep in mind I'm still not advertising the tool around the web, since it's still on a beta phase and we are working on the new main site to lauch with it.
The best map I can share with you guys is the A Link To The Past maps:
http://maps.zelda.com.br/index.php?map=3Here is a rundown of the basic features:
- Googlemaps view of game maps
- Multiple maps per game
- Multiple maps per section (floors of a dungeon, caves of an overworld, etc).
- Multiple layers of section/maps (enemies per floor, itens per floor, secrets per floor, etc)
- Markers per section/maps (googlemaps style)
One of the best feature is the dynamic markers. They are fully interactive! You can:
- Click on a particular marker to view more information.
- Markers information can have multiple tabs with rich text (one tab can have the info, the other can have a youtube video embebbed, the other screenshots, the other official art... you name it!)
- It's possible to hide/shown markers per category or per type! (just click on the right side)
- You can add, edit, delete and move your own markers to the map! Share your knowledge with the community!
There are three types of markers so far:
- Normal Markers (basic content)
- Jump Markers (markers that, when clicked, can redirect you to a position on the map or to a marker).
- Label Markers (Big markers usually used to name especial places or the map itself).
This way, I hope I can satisfy everyone when viewing the map:
- The mapper, whom can see his original work on the system as it was published
- The purists, whom like to see the background, unlabeled
- The gamers, whom can see all the secrets, enemies, etc as they seem fit.
- The game archivists, whom aside from the info provided by the mapper, can add and share more knowledge to the maps
Please, feel free to navigate through the A Link to the Past! In order to manipulate markers, you need to have a valid login on our forum: zelda.com.br/forum . Since I don't want this to be a hassle to anyone, please use user/password: mapsTest and, after logged in, please do a right click on the map. It will bring a drowdown menu for your actions.
Keep in mind that this is a work in progress and I'm only sharing here first, since the zelda.com.br site is offline while we are working on the new site! This is a 2 year project (but only in the past 3-5 months I started working seriously on that). I would like to thank the mappers that not only allowed me to use their maps, but also provided the RAW files that they used to created their own maps (in no particular order): Peardian, Iron Knuckle, Piranha Plant, Jon Leung, Rick Bruns, TerraEsperZ_ and, of course, my team over zelda.com.br. Sorry if I forgot anyone.
Others maps available for your viewing:
http://maps.zelda.com.br/index.php?map=1 - The Legend of Zelda (this was the first map I started doing, that's why there is no layer on top of the maps... I will come back to TLoZ mapas in a later time to add those layers)
http://maps.zelda.com.br/index.php?map=2 - Zelda II: Adventure of Link (stopped mapping since Rick Bruns is redoing all zelda 2 maps)
http://maps.zelda.com.br/index.php?map=3 - A Link to the Pasrt (the map that uses most of all the features of the system)
http://maps.zelda.com.br/index.php?map=5 - Ocarina of Time (a wonderful collaboration work with Peardian. I'm very happy with the outcome of the dungeon maps).
http://maps.zelda.com.br/index.php?map=7 - Oracle of Seasons
http://maps.zelda.com.br/index.php?map=16 - Skyward Sword
List with all the current projects:
http://www.zelda.com.br/?q=mapasFinally, although these are only Zelda maps, the system is open enough to allow any other map! I intend to make this system available to every mapper, I'm not sure yet how (allow non-zelda maps on my site? create a new site? give the source code and let the community do what they want).
Future features, although not yet planned:
- Animated GIFs/PNGs support
- Personal markers (for notes)
- Walkthrough on a map (possibly with routes)
Possible features with no plans for the near future:
- Routes
- Street view (3D games)
- 45 degrees viewing of maps (3D Games, based on images provided by Peardian... need to study the technical difficulties of this).
- 3D Models embedded (not sure if we would be able to do it ever... just to have it on the list).
I will provide a quick walkthrough in order to create images that fit on the googlemaps.. It will just depend of my time and feedback

Please, feel free to share any opinions, suggestions, criticisms, etc. I'm really open minded to provide a good tool to mappers and viewers alike

I know that there are still some rough edges and polish to do, but right now, the functionalities are the thing i'm really testing.