Author Topic: Sword of Vermillion  (Read 21309 times)

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Offline vorpal86

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Sword of Vermillion
« on: March 09, 2014, 10:21:42 am »
 I searched for "Vermillion" and didn't see any maps for this yet other than the two DarkWolf posted. I used that Wyclif map and started mapping the rest.

I'm not sure about the layout / design as I did what I could to make things real easy to understand.

Should I add in the first dungeon map to the first town considering it's the first objective for that town and area?
 - (Each area has a town/outter area/dungeon set of tasks to be done)

At any rate, here is the map. I've mapped the outter world area and the dungeon as well but haven't organized them yet.

1 - Wyclif and Area Maps (Including area Dungeon with Map Legend)

2 - Wyclif Interior

3 - Parma and Area Maps (Including area Dungeon with Map Legend)

4 - Parma Interior

5 - Watling and Area Maps...

6 - Watling Interior

7 - Deepdale and so on...

8 - Deepdale Interior

9 - Stow and so on...

10 - Stow Interior

11 - Keltwick and so on...

12 - Ketlwick Interior

Feedback is welcome as it always is. DarkWolf wont get mad?


EDIT: I've updated the map style which includes the map area and the dungeon. The Full overworld map will include the sweet spot item/Kim/Secret locations.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 10:16:23 pm by vorpal86 »

Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2014, 11:04:58 am »
Looks complete and comprehensive so it's a great format to do the rest.

Maybe you could send DarkWolf a PM just in case, but if it's been a long time since he's worked on it (like, several months/years), it might not bother him too much. Anyway, as much as I hate how much it applies to me, leaving a game uncompleted for an extended period of time pretty much makes you undeserving of exclusivity in mapping it.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 11:05:12 am by TerraEsperZ »
Current project:
Mega Man: Powered Up (PSP)

Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2014, 11:19:40 am »
Alright I've sent DarkWolf a PM now.

The design will more than likely change just a bit probably as I go but I'll give it a go. I wouldn't want to make the maps too big if I can help it.

I'll work on it and check back for more feedback.


Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2014, 09:11:56 pm »
I've added in the next town.

I'm thinking maybe it's a bit to busy/cluttered?

The town of Parma
(See above links)

I've also updated Wyclif some. I'll work more on touching up these two before going any further.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 10:27:56 pm by vorpal86 »

Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2014, 09:33:59 pm »
I've updated the format a bit. Using the interiors as separate maps to avoid clutter and make it look nicer. The Wyclif Area maps should be complete now. These two maps should cover all areas doing it this way I guess. Doing maps is just plain fun. HEH. When I don't drop a map making project. I've only dropped one though I think. : )

Any critics?

Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2014, 10:28:53 pm »
The first two towns and areas are now fully mapped. I'll work on the next area of Watling next. Stay tuned.

Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2014, 07:20:08 pm »
Anyway I'll post again. Three towns and areas mapped complete now I do believe.. Hopefully I don't find something a miss.

Next time I post it will be several maps with a much bigger and better update. If anything looks out of place advise me. I may have missed it.

Cheers with Root Beers!

Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2014, 10:18:26 pm »
Added 3 complete new towns and Area Maps for a total of 6 new maps.

I think I'll take a little break for a few days and do a little bit of Felix the Cat maps.

Cheers with Root Beers!

Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2014, 11:20:44 pm »
I said a few days but really meant a few months :P

However, I'm almost done with the game, and the mapping. I spent the last 3 or 4 days working on it for at least 4-5 hours each day. I have 5 new towns and areas completely mapped out which include about  15 dungeons as well. There remains 2 towns, 2 caves and 3 areas left (according to ) I haven't used anything from his but he's aware that i may reference it at times. He was good with that. Gets me through the game a bit easier anyway. You can tell it's all new maps.

I should be done by the weekend. I'll mention Mike's Rpg Center as it has some nice guides for several Rpg's. Seems like a nice guy.

Anyway, that's the update...

Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2014, 06:11:15 pm »
OK... Finally done and maps have been sent in. I don't see any specific reason to post the rest of the maps here unless otherwise requested for whatever reason.

Now this can be marked off my list. Next up is to post the topic for Felix The Cat Maps. My last unfinished project.

Offline FlyingArmor

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2014, 04:18:36 pm »
Great job on these! Your maps definitely piqued my interest in this game. I'll probably check out a Let's Play and see what it's like.

Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sword of Vermillion
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2014, 05:27:22 pm »
Thanks for the feedback. Although these could have been layed out better I did the best I could. I first played the game wayyyyy back in 1992 when the NES was still hopping. The game has some nice music and I nevder really got tired of it. The Light Song is the best.

You can also hold A, B, C then START on controller 2 for music select and some other options.