
What color palette do you prefer in Shantae Game Boy Color ? (see picture in topic)

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Author Topic: What color palette do you prefer in Shantae Game Boy Color ? (picture in topic)  (Read 39037 times)

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Offline Cleeem

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I didn't understand that these remarks were about a debug mode placement inaccuracy.

In this mode, there is also a lot of graphic garbage that the developers did not take the time to remove because it is invisible to the players.

If the wrong room location is respected, all graphic garbage should also be kept. The background is not black everywhere. It's an assembly of nonsense tiles everywhere.

In fact, it would never have occurred to me to make a misalignment, because it's the opposite of developer intent and gaming experience. We could even say that if players were to experience the game in debug mode, they would consider it broken and not finished.

I didn't take into account the debug mode at all.
At least I understand what you mean now! ^^
It had nothing to do with whether to attack or not. It's irrelevant in my mind, I can see that it's absent from the question, as a matter of course.

What made me tired was trying to compare with Symphony of the Night while I don't know the details for this game.
Not understanding what is said to me tired me a little, but with these clarifications, everything is clear. ^^  ;)

It is possible that I open a new topic on the forum to present the arrival of the maps, which can give additional visibility from the search engines.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 06:34:22 am by Cleeem »