Ah crap, how come I didn't notice that? I was trying to get them all out by the end of January in order to avoid changing the map header, and in my haste to resize the maps to put it on the left something went wrong. I'll submit a corrected version tonight if time permits.
As for why the maps aren't rectangular, well I was trying to be as accurate to the game as possible. I'm not always consistent on this point depending on the game so I understand the confusion. In
Sonic the Hedgehog's case, I decided to outline the maps based both on what the scrolling allows you to see and what's actually there.
Since the maps are actually made of 256 x 256 pixels blocks, it's obvious with the Green Hill Zone maps at least that there are areas that I've cut off to conform to what's visible in game, even doing everything I could to get every tile that's even partially visible without the auto-scrolling activating. I actually debated showing everything that's on the map by using a map extractor but in some cases that would have looked wrong. For example, there are many pits with spikes pointing up from them while playing, but the actual map keeps going down a bit further and showing that would result in pits with spikes hanging in mid-air. So I decided that for aesthetic reason, I wouldn't show what's not visible because of the scrolling.
As for Marble Zone, the forced scrolling can be defeated in Debug Mode to visit the whole rectangular area of the map, except that the areas I removed on my maps are completely empty. Under the lava and the visible blocks, there's empty space with the background showing and I preferred to simply removed them instead of filling it with something that's not there to begin with.
Sonic the Hedgehog CD was much easier in this respect since almost all the stages with very few exceptions are perfectly rectangular.
Any other comment would be appreciated about anything, *except* the Special Stage headers

. I wasn't able to come up with an iconic image that was small enough to fit my template and gave a good idea of what they're about, so I just resized a shot of the chaos emerald for each. Not happy with that, but it'll do.