Hey RT;
I was only using the MM7 sprites as placeholders because I thought the MM7 Mega Man was the coolest looking Mega Man they made for regular Mega Man games. As you say, I think the wily Wars sprite style and sizes are fitting better.
Also, I placed a hidden death spike in ring Man's level so I could die when I needed to. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the ladders work. I tried to once but MM kept moving to a different location when I pressed up and touched the ladder. Very frustrating to figure out. As far as making the game play well, that was my second priority cause I'm mostly a graphics artist and initially I didn't know hardly anything about GM when I came up with the idea to do some MM4-6 enhanced tilesets, and still don't know much really.
I Was hoping to find someone who could code better than me, which wouldn't be too hard. But I understand about the game play, can't have a good game without it. I was thinking about using the Mega Man 3 GM engine that a guy named "Damaged" made, who also made a series of MM fan games called Hard Hat 1-3. He's currently working on 4, but he has not much time these days. That engine he made feels just like a normal MM game. I applauded him. I just can't understand a lot of the code he used. Heh

Thanks for the replies though.