Author Topic: ATTN: JonLeung (regarding Transformers Animated)  (Read 18534 times)

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Offline StarFighters76

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ATTN: JonLeung (regarding Transformers Animated)
« on: February 12, 2009, 10:59:45 am »
I just wanted to get the word out to you since you're a huge TF fan (incase you haven't heard), Transformers Animated will end after Season 3 (which is rumored to start next month). There hasn't been a reason given why the cancellation, but apparently it's been confirmed just recently that this will happen.

I know, I'm sad about this because I really loved Transformers Animated, and I wish it would have last longer (maybe Season 5?), but this is a dark day indeed for us fans.

*gives consoling hugs*


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Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: ATTN: JonLeung (regarding Transformers Animated)
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2009, 11:23:17 am »
Indeed, it was my favorite series of all, being about on the same level as Beast Wars in terms of characterization and a ton of nods to the fans. It's sad because the scope of the series was finally getting larger instead of being solely confined to Earth.


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Offline bustin98

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RE: ATTN: JonLeung (regarding Transformers Animated)
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2009, 11:44:03 am »
A lack of Cartoon Network has prevented me from viewing the series. Why is it the good cartoons get the early ax? While crap like Yugioh stays on longer than its welcome...


Cool beans

Offline JonLeung

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RE: ATTN: JonLeung (regarding Transformers Animated)
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2009, 12:14:37 pm »
I had heard about the demise of Animated.

To be fair, I never gave Animated much of a fair shot after not liking the premiere.  I did see bits and pieces of other episodes but I never invested much into it.

Maybe when I have time I'll see if I can find the whole series and watch it from start to (apparent) finish.

Regardless, I still think it breaks the chain of "later-series-suck more".  In the sense that in the little I've seen, it is better than the last four Japanese series but not as good as Beast Wars.  I still think it's not as good as Beast Machines, even, but we'll see if/when I get around to watching Animated seriously.

Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: ATTN: JonLeung (regarding Transformers Animated)
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2009, 02:14:49 pm »
Well, I can understand your reaction. It's certainly seems to be aimed at younger kids than previous series, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Beast Machines, although ambitious, was in my opinion brought down by being way too serious and never featuring any sort of comic relief. It was good, but it wasn't *fun*.

Which is why I've loved Animated so much. I find the characters more interesting and lovable than those of Beast Wars, and for once in a long while the Decepticons are actually both smart and strong throughout the first two seasons. You don't see that often; usually the newest bad guys trashes everyone on their first appearance, then mysteriously become pussies afterward so the good guys can look good defeating them. I'm glad that Animated went around this by having the Autobots relying on their intelligence and teamwork.

There are just so many things I love about it: Lockdown's work ethics, Lugnut's Punch Of Kill Everything (yes, the name was made canonical in the official comic), Swindle's built-in arsenal, the Angry Archer, finally having Megatron be a true force of nature and actually living up to his reputation, Wreck-Gar's awesome persona and voice acting by Weird Al, Sentinel Prime being the biggest asshole ever in the whole TF mythos, Blitzwing's rotating personalities, and so many more...

At least we're getting a third season of it, and who knows? Maybe Hasbro will change their mind after that. I'm not counting on it though, but stranger things have happened.


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