I generally don't like all the attitude in gangster (or "gangsta"?) rap either. I remember a rapper (don't remember who, though) saying something along the lines of that we were all borne from a woman, got our name from a woman, etc. so we should all be respectful to women, and it's a shame that many gangster rappers don't share that view.
I realize that this video could be seen as tongue-in-cheek or somewhat parodious (if that's even a verb), though with such a focus on Roll in that one scene, I almost wonder if you can even be parodying the demeaning of women without crossing that line itself.
And the swear words? A word by itself isn't offensive on its own. Though they could be used for emphasis, and often are used as such. But if they're used in every other sentence, or multiple times in the same sentence, it loses its effectiveness, becomes simply gratuitous, and then it all goes from being shocking to just being ridiculous.
Though I did like this video, if only because it was an interesting take on a classic game that we're all at least somewhat familiar with. I often like the rhyme schemes in rap, and now I have to find a way to work "than a cow has moo" into dialogue someday.

Anyway now that I think about it, maybe I do go against Heat Man later, since I probably want the Item-2 for Heat Man's stage. I'm confused. Looks like I need to play the game again. Oddly enough, my brother played the game AGAIN on the Wii Virtual Console, and finished it in one sitting AGAIN, just a couple days before I saw that video. How many times can a person play the classic Mega Man games? I love them too, but man...