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Topics - Alisa

Pages: [1]
Maps In Progress / Alice's Cartography
« on: August 01, 2022, 07:08:09 am »
 I was always worried that when working on some game and its cards, it would turn out that someone else was doing it, with the same game. So I decided to create this topic.
 Maps for Bram Stoker's Dracula (Sega Genesis) are currently ready
 Half of the maps for Chakan: The Forever Man (Sega Genesis) are ready
 Sometimes you need a break from 16-bit graphics, so I took up the NES and its game Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt. The game is of course a clumsy port from Sega / SNES, but still different from its progenitor. In the future, I would like to work with the original.

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