It seems pretty cool! That certainly looks handy!
But if this is a submission, may I make a suggestion? As a "Warp Map" it may not be clear as to what the map is about.
Maybe you could put the warp code somewhere - and screen coordinates along the left and top of the map? Well, as it's a large image, maybe on all sides?
(And should I have credited you as Wolff on your
Phantasy Star II map? I think I credited you as FirebrandX...)
It's kind of neat to see how things fit together in memory. It shows a kind of neatness and efficiency of space. I took down my brother's
Blaster Master maps when a full set came along from sonyball, but maybe I could ask my brother to do the rest of his set and resubmit them. It's really neat how each Area in Blaster Master is a perfect 2048 x 2048 square, that wraps around on itself (if you go right, you end up on the left, if you go up, you end up on the bottom, etc.), and this interesting geography/geometry explains some of the shotcuts back. (The instruction manual even strongly suggests that is how the maps are laid out, which I didn't understand at first.) Maybe it's not initially intuitive, but once you get it, it makes so much sense and it's just plain neat.
I'm not sure if it was how it was laid out in memory, but the way I assembled the Edison Mansion map for the NES version of
Maniac Mansion came out to be a neat rectangle. I tried to do that with the Village map for
Simon The Sorcerer, too. But hey - there are no image size limitations on, so if it makes more sense to sprawl things out, those would be preferred...