Author Topic: VGMaps: underappreciated resource / "state of the forums"?  (Read 15375 times)

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Online JonLeung

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Perusing Google results for "VGMaps" or "The Video Game Atlas" is an amusing way to waste some time.

I stumbled upon the DS Ultimate Forums, where a topic mentions VGMaps as #1 in a list of "3 Underappreciated Resources Related To Video Games".  Whether this site is #1 for being the most underappreciated, or the first that came to mind, I suppose either is flattering.  And when you consider the list actually has five sites listed instead of three, that's better...right?

DS Ultimate Forums said:
Great site, and from the state of their forums, one that gets way less respect that it deserves.

Well, some days I do think the forums could be more lively.  Every now and then you get that hot topic that a dozen people chime in on but then it's quiet for another few days.  I've always wondered about that...and leave it to the Internet to confirm and increase my insecurities.  :p

Not to miss the point, though, let me thank you guys again for all you've contributed to  I can't remember the last time I said that so there we go.  :)  Maybe one day you'll get appreciation from more than just me, and the handful of Internet users that actually know we exist in this corner of the Web.

Offline Maxim

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RE: VGMaps: underappreciated resource / "state of the forums"?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2009, 02:07:09 am »
You don't want a forum where there's a thousand kiddies posting incoherent badly-spelt gibberish that's a repeat of something two topics down, "me too", 500KB signatures, and all that other nonsense. A tightly-focused forum populated by people who care about the site is much better.

Personally, if the forums were more "lively" that would be more disrespectful.

Offline The Ultimate Koopa

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RE: VGMaps: underappreciated resource / "state of the forums"?
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2009, 12:31:41 pm »
Yeah, I admit DS Ultimate Forums does have a heck of a lot of people who think it's cool to type "like n00bs coz im leik so cool omg i dont no how 2 spel or 2 use capital letters omg i am soooo immature". But there aren't THAT many... heck, probably only 100 or so are actually regularly active (of the 2600+), and of those, only about 5-10 of them (maybe 20) speak like immature idiots... most of us (I've been a member since January 2007), are normal people who type normally and don't spam with 500 pictures in the signatures.

Offline Maxim

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RE: VGMaps: underappreciated resource / "state of the forums"?
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2009, 05:37:23 pm »
I wasn't making any comment on DS Ultimate Forums - I was describing 99% of "active" forums on the InterTubes.