Author Topic: This guy thinks the DS sucks. Except he doesn't know what he's talking about.  (Read 39948 times)

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Offline JonLeung

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The DS Sucks ( video)

Stolen from

This Sony PSP fanboy is totally laughable.  He totally doesn't know what he's talking about.  Runs a little long, though, nearly 13 minutes (!), so I'll sum it up.  Well, kinda.

He goes on preaching how much better the PSP is than the DS.  It's okay to have your own opinion, but he comes off as if everything he says is fact, and most of it isn't.  He's repetitive, and doesn't cite good sources.  He's overconfident that he's right, but doesn't come off as very convincing.

"I heard it on the radio."

"It was on the news the other day."

"I haven't done this yet, but I heard..."

   - citing some "sources".

"The DS is garbage.  The DS is trash."

   - his "brilliant" justification of his opinion.

"Can't do this on a DS.  Nope.  You just can't."

   - his catch phrase after mentioning a PSP feature.

"Look it up.  It's a fact."

   - following a number of "facts".

Some of his erronoeous or pointless facts include:

-the DS is a 19-year-old Game Boy, maybe with slightly more memory, and some colour, but not worth paying $300 for.  (Not a Game Boy, much more memory, the technology is far from the original Game Boy, and it's not $300 anywhere.)

-the DS has two screens.  Who cares? (Wow, apathy counts as a fact in his world.)

-the DS has a touch screen.  Who cares?  (Ditto.)

-the PSP has widescreen.  That's the future.  (He's not wrong, but it seems ludicrous after the above two statements)

-you have to charge your DS by plugging it into the wall.  You can't walk around with it while charging.  (Somehow I doubt the PSP can be charged while walking either.)

-the PSP can be played while being plugged into the wall.  (He even insists on this fact, like it's a big deal...while neglecting the same can be done with the DS.)

-Sony makes laptops, and those are fun.  (They do, but they're "fun"?)

-You can play PSP vs. PSP.  You can't play PSP vs. DS.  (DS vs. DS is ignored.)

-You can use PSP with the PS3.  You can't use the DS with the PS3.  (DS with the Wii is ignored.)

-PSP UMD discs hold a gigabyte.  The DS uses terminology like gigaflops.  (While the DS cards hold a gigabit, he uses "flops".  A possible mistake, except he goes on about flops and how the Japanese invent weird terminology.)

-My friend has a DS, and never plays it.  My other friend has a PSP and plays it a lot.  (Does this guy even have either?)

The guy doesn't even mention much the point of a gaming system...the games.  All he says is that the PSP has GTA: Liberty City Stories, and that the DS doesn't.  "Can't play that on DS.  Look it up.  It's a fact."

I've had arguments with fanboys before, some pretty bad.  I may come off as a fanboy, but I don't think I ever sound like I'm clueless as this guy.  What Sony and Microsoft have is marketing, so a lot of people think they're better because they see them a lot more.  But when people try to justify it, it always comes down to "Nintendo sucks!" or "The Nintendo [insert game system here] sucks!" because they'd rather believe what's fed to them and can't bother to check little facts, like the point of, say, a touch screen on the DS.

Anyway, the scary thing is that it comes from a web site called  Maybe I shouldn't link to him.  Do I really want to be associated with a guy who just talks and posts videos of his rants?  I hope I'm not sticking my foot in my mouth here but who is this guy, and why should we care that he has a web site dedicated to his rants?  Maybe this particular rant is a big joke just to get attention.  If not, maybe it's more sad than funny if this guy believes the drivel he's saying.

EDIT: Actually, maybe he and his site IS a big joke.  Well, it is one, regardless.  You can get tickets to attend live filmings (what, him in front of his webcam?) and the "testimonials" say he could charge $600-$700 per episode for his show and it would still be worth it, and some people have lost weight or had their skin healed thanks to "Talking With Jon".  There's also a video just about how Halo 3 will be the "best game in the world", and that the Wii controller is somehow a rip-off of the ColecoVision's controller, so the PS3 controller is better because it works with PS3 games.  I'm pretty sure he and his crew just like to stir stupid controversy up.

Offline Revned

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This guy is a moron. It's a fact, look it up if you don't believe me, folks.

Really, half of his arguments are completely untrue. MP3 does not stand for "Musically Platformed version 3," either. Ugh.

Offline JonLeung

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Oh, yeah, he also mentioned battery life.  He didn't know, exactly, but he said he thought the touch screen would kill the DS's battery life.  

If he's going to diss the DS and praise the PSP, battery life isn't a point to bring up.  What an idiot.

Offline bustin98

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Finally I checked this out. He's a moron no matter how you look at it. But he is unflinching in the face of criticsism.


Cool beans

Offline bustin98

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Ok, check this out:

He's in it just to cheese people off.


Cool beans

Offline JonLeung

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Well, he revealed the fanboy in me there, but now I think he's more of a jerk than ignorant.

Offline Inty

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Eheh. The DS sucks thing was posted on kotaku a while back, i linked them on LLs. He's completely taking the piss. It's not serious. I think he's hilarious.

The DS has 400 hours battery life? PSP burnt down half a town due to bad design?

You can understand he's trying to be funny when he defines MP3s i found it hilarious. Musically..platformed...version 3 *chuckles*


I wonder if a girl will come over and play with my Wii.

<b>I need £5 paypal to pay subs ._.</b>

Offline Inty

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Sorry, i gotta `LOL` for you thinking he was serious <_<

The DS is a piece of garbage. It's also a piece of trash.


I wonder if a girl will come over and play with my Wii.

&lt;b&gt;I need &pound;5 paypal to pay subs ._.&lt;/b&gt;