This sure brings back nice memories of my first days of PC gaming.
Wolfenstein 3-D and
Spear of Destiny were some of the very first computer games I played when I inherited my PC from an uncle who died of brain cancer. He'd show off while playing when we visited him a few years before his death so they were the games me and my sister wanted to try the most afterward (sadly, my sister lost her interest in videogames after beginning high school

With the computer, we also got a few boxes full of old 5.25 inch floppy disks full of games downloaded on old BBSes (with a few boot sector viruses too!) and one featured crude maps for
Wolfenstein 3-D made in
AutoCAD 8 (I think) by my uncle. I don't know if it's what got me interesting in mapping games, but it certainly didn't hurt because I tried mapping them myself first using ASCII characters in
WordPerfect 5.1 in
MS DOS and then by drawing little squares in
Paintbrush in
Windows 3.1. Even back then I was drawing the maps while playing on grid paper to make sure that every square in-game was drawn exactly as it was. Needless to say it took so long to do even one map that I never got past 6 or 7 maps in total but the seeds had been planted

Back to the games, I was always proud of having managed to finish both of them without resorting to the old M+I+L cheat, even though it was only on Normal difficulty. I sure could have used these maps back then, but back before automaps became common you simply couldn't survive in most games without a very good sense of direction, so I still managed.
Anyway, great work DarkWolf!