Now that Super Metroid has been mapped, I've been wondering about other "Castleroid"/"Metroidvania" games. Certainly the Metroid games are covered, and the Castlevania games too...well, mostly. There's still the upside-down castle in Symphony Of The Night and the DS games.
But if you want another DS game to try to map, I say take a look at
Monster Tale. I'd like to think that it's unusual for me to not have heard about such a cool game before its release, but until the Nintendo Week episode Monday before last, I hadn't seen this despite being a couple months old already.

Monster Tale, at first glance, looks like Shantae or Henry Hatsworth (which are both pretty cool already), but I had a chance to start playing it last night and it feels like a cute version of Metroid. The main character is a girl, who encounters an egg, whereby the baby creature that immediately hatches follows her around. Getting orbs from stone structures unlocks new abilities, and if that doesn't sound Metroidy enough, the two most recent abilities I unlocked were an extension of my weapon's range (like the Long Beam) and the ability to roll to go through tight spaces (like the Morph Ball). But while it's kind of like Metroid, it's also considerably different overall, as it is more of a cutesy fantasy world, plus also the raising of the monster who gains abilities too.
I don't make requests often, but I figured that if this game is somehow flying under peoples' radar (well, I hadn't heard of it), that it probably wouldn't hurt to mention it.