Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest is a great choice.
Earlier someone had mapped out New York and other cities in 8-bit; I was wondering when someone would get around to applying it to an actual mapping application so it could be for anywhere at any scale. And StreetView was amusing too, though they reduced the colours too much, IMO. And yeah, city areas should (have) show(n) up as towns, not grass. But even so, this was really well done!
I was busy this weekend but still managed to see this, and tried it out on Google Maps. Is the "Quest" function still available or hidden somewhere? It'd be nice if they kept it. I'm sure Square-Enix wouldn't mind the attention.
Is "Peru Nazca" a meme yet?

Also, interesting that they would highlight one of the lesser known features of the Famicom that the NES doesn't have...the microphone in the 2P controller.