Author Topic: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)  (Read 60035 times)

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Offline ozzy88

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Re: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2012, 01:06:23 am »
So, the dungeon order is marked by what key you get in what door, should be comprehensive since the first key you can grab in the main area is marked "key1" and the door to the first dungeon is marked with "key2".
And so on...

All items have been placed in the right spots and I've had a speedrunner of the game double check it for me :)

What I've also done is adding more space to the canvas, moved the credits to the upper right and under it I will make a legend that shows the icon and an explainations to the item + it's name.

Then I'll use the same formula on the first two dungeons before I start fixing dungeon 3.

I might try and make the legend in it's own photoshop document so I can post that here at least.

Nobody ever responds but I see that there are people taking a peek into what I'm doing. I would very much appreciate if someone would tell me when I make terrible decisions and tell me what you would have done, that way I can learn how to get better at this and yea, win-win!


The way I made the key's show, makes the last dungeon not have a key under's the biggest flaw of the way I made it.

I was thinking of making a "custom" icon from the sprite of the crown, (picking up the crown = win the game) so for that I'd rip the sprite after killing the final boss and put it in an icon "box" like the others and put that under the final dungeons door, that or doing nothing is what I can think of for now. Might actually get around to trying out these things today.

If you have any ideas or just think that this idea is good, please share your thoughts!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 01:20:52 am by ozzy88 »

Offline Paco

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Re: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2012, 05:08:37 am »
without a pic to show the change i can't tell if its good or not.
Legends never dies.

Offline ozzy88

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Re: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2012, 05:40:01 am »
The change as in putting icons under the chests or do you mean how I made place for a legend and credits by making the canvas wider?

For the icons I have an example picture on page 1 in this thread ;)

Offline ozzy88

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Re: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2012, 05:16:31 am »
I've submitted them with all the stuff I wanted to get on there. Everything on the maps are ripped from the game except some letters in the credits that I made myself, and I used the font Georgia for the index since ripping every description from every item would be a bit more tedious.

There are still some things that I could do to make the Main Area map look better, but those things are pretty minor compared to not having the rest of the dungeons done yet.

To do list:
Dungeon 3 (Golgia's ruins) Enemies needs to get removed and the picture of the boss is ugly for now.
Dungeon 4 (Gyra's bog) Remove enemies, remove 3 health bars.
Dungeon 5 (Lolidra's cavern) Remove enemies from 6 screens, the rest needs to be done from scratch.
Dungeon 6 (Devil's lair) Remove enemies.
Dungeon 7 (Garm's grotto) Remove enemies and ugly boss picture.
Dungeon 8 (Hydra's throne) Realityo made this one and sent a .PNG to me. Editing a .PNG doesn't feel like a good idea to me. I think I'm going to map it myself and kill all enemies before pictures, because the background in this dungeon is not as simple as the rest. But I will try and contact him, see if he wants to do anything with it himself when I get to this point.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 11:42:26 pm by ozzy88 »

Offline ozzy88

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Re: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2012, 12:21:57 am »
I injured my left hand last week so I won't be working on this until it's healed well enough. I'll make a new post when I'm ready for photoshoping again.

See ya in about 3-4 weeks I hope!

Offline ozzy88

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Re: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2012, 11:42:35 pm »
Now I just need to find the time and will to continue, let's say that next map is going to get done before the 5:th of August and hope I remember it.

Five maps left to do and this next one should not be too much of a problem.

Offline ozzy88

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Re: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2012, 11:40:55 pm »
The map is done and submitted. Next one I have to redo like everything I've done. The whole dungeon is dark so I gotta take a lot of screenshots to edit out all that darkness, so I can see all of the background and the walls. The parts of the dungeon that you can't light up I'll just cover in that purple colour because that's what's supposed to be there.

The first time I did this I just wanted to go for a sloppy map so it looks like crap. It has dark spots all over the place and you can barely tell where the walls are.

If anyone got any good ideas of how to map dark areas that would be sweet. I know one could use emulators for this game and maybe it can just turn off that layer? I would just have to play the game up to that point again if that's how it is.

So unless you guys got some better idea I guess I'll try and find a way to emulate this windows game and turn off the darkness.

Offline qwert_vs_qwerty

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Re: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2012, 09:01:22 am »
Small-MAP (Pixel-Art)


Dungeon 1

Dungeon 2

Dungeon 3

Dungeon 4

Dungeon 5

Dungeon 6

Dungeon 7

Dungeon 8

I apologize in advance that ahead of fellow, but it was too I liked the game. Have ideas to improve or change maps?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 09:53:35 am by qwert_vs_qwerty »

Offline ozzy88

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Re: Hydra Castle Labyrinth (PC)
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2012, 01:13:43 am »

No hard feelings, all I wanted was this game mapped and now it is and better then I could ever do!

I've only taken a peak at some of them and so far I don't think there's anything I'd change.

Good work :)