Author Topic: Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)  (Read 67160 times)

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Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2014, 05:17:01 pm »
How do we view these maps in their 1x1 size? The maps seem scaled.. Are they supposed to be?

I played this game some a while back but got lost half the time. Maps would help.

Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2014, 09:47:45 pm »
Only the previews are scaled and that's an unfortunate "feature" of my hosting site. Personally, I would *NEVER* make a map that doesn't use the original pixel ratio. Anything else is blasphemy.

You can see all the finished maps on VGMaps proper since I've been submitting them as they were being completed. Alternatively, you can click on each one here which will bring you to its Photobucket page and there should be a Download link on the right side of the page for each one.
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Offline Revned

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Re: Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2014, 11:40:29 pm »
Any reason not to use imgur? It's much lighter weight than Photobucket and allows for easy 1:1 hotlinking

Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2014, 08:47:57 am »
One simple reason: every image hosting site in the history of the universe (~13.8 billion years) disabling hotlinking or moving it behind a paywall about a week after I start using them exclusively.

I'm only half-joking. It's happened three times already. Better for me to just get used to crappy linking options.

See also how a new emulator with amazing features will invariably come out of nowhere the moment I get comfortable mapping with an established one and have accumulated a sizable archive of savegames for it. It's why I'm so resistant to switching to BizHawk for emulation; I just *know* somehow the project will die the moment I get comfortable with it.

Wow, for someone who's typically described as rigid and logical, that's a whole lot of irrational thinking that I just wrote...
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Offline Revned

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Re: Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2014, 11:01:05 am »
Heh, I get it. But this isn't much of a commitment - you don't even have to register to upload to imgur. Just drag-and-drop!

Offline JonLeung

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Re: Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2014, 03:05:03 pm »
If you want to talk about rigid, look no further than me.  Up until last month when my last Windows XP computer died, I was using Paint Shop Pro 3.11 for my image editing needs.  To give you an idea of how old it is, I recall the second-last update (3.1, I think) was major because it allowed the use of longer-than-eight-character filenames - which, if you are old enough to recall, were introduced with Windows 95.  Assuming it was at least a year old at that point, and I think it was, I was until recently still using an over-twenty-year-old program!

And for the most part, it worked well.  Pretty much like MS Paint with a few other things.  Other than transparencies, everything I needed to do was easily accomplished with it.  Not that I couldn't do everything in GIMP and other current-or-at-least-more-recent-OS-compatible programs, but I knew where everything was, as was just comfortable, maybe too comfortable with it.  I tried later versions of Paint Shop Pro, but they had an annoying anti-aliasing effect when copying and pasting within 16.7 million colour images.

I gave in to the fact that I shouldn't rely on a relic forever (well, by default), so I started using Paint Shop Pro X 7.  Some things I've learned and familiarized myself with already, I guess I am still adaptable, but also already turned into one of those old farts that are stubborn about how things used to be and never felt like even attempting a change until now, where I have to (short of installing XP on a new machine which would be silly).  Soon the trial will be up and I'll have to decide to buy it or use GIMP or find a trial for PhotoShop or something.  Or maybe I should just go ahead and buy Paint Shop Pro X 7, considering that the Paint Shop Pro 3 I was using for two decades was an unpaid shareware version...

Offline vorpal86

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Re: Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2014, 03:50:09 pm »
Well good news about maps being posted normally. I see the good versions now. I wasn't even thinking to check the main site. I was too tired. It wouldn't be wise to do all that mapping work just to see the results all scaled and perhaps even blurry and / or filtered.

Very nice work though! I may get to playing 3D Blast again and try making it past Act2.

You know after all these years I still use Paint Shop Pro 7.04 and it does everything I need it to do that the other tool I use (Character Maker 1999) does not. Which of course i use in conjunction with each other but CM1999 is the main one. I use it for all my Spriting / Mapping needs. although there is an image size limitation with CM1999 of 8192x8192 it's always worked for me. Most of the NES games level's are no larger than 8192 which some of the Felix maps used. It fit just right.

I NEVER got into MSPaint even way back. My first paint/imaging app was Deluxe Paint II (for Amiga) back in the day then DPaint III which was the bomb adding in animation. But hey, whatever gets the job done and you're compfy with it. The newer versions of PSP after 7 lost my interest and that was after Jascs sold out to Corel. Fun times..