Well, let's say there's a ledge that is more than one screen long, and on the first screen it's say, near the bottom, but as you move, the screen scrolls down, and the ledge is now near the top...
and instead of _______ you get ____-----
The only way I can think of fixing this, is to shift the screenshot down to level with the other screen shot, however that will leave awkward blank parts. There's also the problem of random objects high ... and knowing EXACTLY where they are because there isn't any objects with a small enouhg distance from this object to determine precisely where to align the screenshot <___<
Also, Eggz? I am being patient. I was just saying that at least ONE person should post just ONE post at least ONCE in ONE month... not that every day should have every one posting 500 times...
Heck, I left this alone for about 3 weeks, and you just started having a go at me