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Offline DarkWolf

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #120 on: August 02, 2010, 07:35:41 am »
I've only been playing World of WarCraft lately.  Don't blame me, g/f got me involved about six months ago.

Offline JonLeung

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #121 on: August 06, 2010, 09:58:17 pm »
Finally finished Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (PS2).  Already had a file started in Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Wii), so I'm on that now, continuing my RE catch-up.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 09:58:36 pm by JonLeung »

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #122 on: August 09, 2010, 07:37:13 am »
Finished Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles yesterday, at least the "regular" stuff.  I "opened the door to the dark side" by beating the last boss in under ten minutes (though I switched the difficulty to Easy while gold-farming when I had done it), opening up the Krauser stages.  Sadly, unlike The Umbrella Chronicles, these new stages seem to be just rehashes of the last two stages, of which Krauser was already playable, but now you can hear his thoughts.  And he whines a lot, WTF.  I'm having trouble beating the boss of the second-last stage so I think I'll either farm some more gold to upgrade my weapons or restock some ammo, or both.

The funny thing is that besides the all-new "Operation Javier", it recaps Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica, and as I had just finished Code Veronica X on Friday and finished the Code Veronica portion on Saturday, it was neat to see the same areas again while fresh in my memory.  They changed certain details (I don't mean just taking out puzzles), including adding a whole wooden maze area.  But there's no sense to get hung up on perfect continuity if Capcom doesn't care.

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #123 on: August 30, 2010, 12:50:51 pm »
Kind of ridiculous that it took me another three (!) weeks to finish the game again on both Easy and Hard and earn enough money to max out all weapons, including the Linear Launcher.  I also earned the "Expert" title on every stage by not dying.  Although I unlocked the "Very Hard" difficulty level, I think I'm done with Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.  I didn't get every file (especially those dependent on skill), but I did unlock every text, movie, and sound file, since I wanted to know the whole story.

I downloaded a save for Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition to have a bunch of stuff unlocked (I finished the GameCube game back in the day and didn't think it was worth the effort to play again and I assumed it wouldn't load up GameCube saves - you'd think all GameCube-to-Wii ports would but nearly all that I've seen don't).  Then I played the bonus "Separate Ways", which is Ada Wong's story that takes place during Leon's (this is different from "Assignment Ada" and was not included in the original GameCube version).  It was harder than I expected (maybe because I just came off of RE:DC where I was used to plentiful ammo and just blasting away maniacally whenever I got into trouble) but I finished it that same day.  I have to redo the last boss fight and run-to-the-rocket launcher sequence since I had to use a continue, but I expect that should be no problem to finish off tonight.

That frees me up for Metroid: Other M which comes out tomorrow!  :D  Good timing.  Since me and my brother probably won't want to play while the other is in the room for fear of spoilers (since there's a greater emphasis on story now), I think I'll install Resident Evil 5 on the PC in the other room tonight as well and play that whenever it's not my turn on Other M.  Then aside from the RE5 Gold Edition/Jill Valentine stuff (if that's only for the PS3), I should then be caught up on Resident Evil (minus RE: Gaiden and the online games and the countless remakes), hooray!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 12:54:53 pm by JonLeung »

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #124 on: September 08, 2010, 09:54:30 pm »
Just finished Resident Evil 5!  Though I thought the last boss felt unepic, compared to previous RE final bosses, and especially considering it is the end since RE6 is likely to be a reboot.  RE games are never scary to me but this one didn't even seem like it tried.  Something else seemed missing, I'm not sure what.  Oh, probably the puzzles.  Though I guess other than the key collect-a-thons there were, it'd be kind of hard to fit anything more puzzlish into this storyline.  And there was way more action than I expected.  But it was still a fun game.  And I finished it just in time for the fourth movie (even though I likely won't watch it in theaters unless any of my friends want to go).  I wonder if I should start and try to finish Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands before the DVD/Blu-Ray release of Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time movie next week.  Boy, I'm easily influenced to set weird goals.

But, as a Nintendo fan, I should get to Metroid!  I haven't started Metroid: Other M yet, but we got our Wii drive replaced by a local modder/repairer ( and so now I can.  I can hear what I'm guessing is the end, or at least near the end of the game, as my brother is finishing it in the other room.  At least now I don't have to worry about swapping turns with him if he is indeed near the end.

*sigh* I guess I should get back to Pokémon: SoulSilver Edition.  I keep on having to throw my Pokémon back into their Boxes each night that I play because they have the Pokérus and I want them to keep it (supposedly there's a chance I'll lose it after midnight any day) even though there's no value to it anymore.  It's kind of a pain.  But I should since Black/White Versions are coming out I think next week in Japan (even though I'll wait for the North American release).  Since I caught everything in Diamond I see little point to recapture them all since there are no new ones in HeartGold/SoulSilver, plus I played the original Silver, and I don't care for any of the extra stuff.  Maybe I'll just recapture the Johto Pokémon anyway and see if I feel like doing the rest.  But I did catch Mewtwo (with a regular Poké Ball) a few nights ago.  I try to catch everything with regular Poké Balls because Master Balls involve no effort.  :P
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 10:15:28 pm by JonLeung »

Offline JonLeung

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #125 on: September 17, 2010, 08:40:13 pm »
Finished Metroid: Other M with 100% just now.  Took me 10.5 hours.  It was fun, but it didn't get interesting until halfway through.  I think I mentioned earlier that the first five hours felt like bleah.  Sure, it goes without saying that it's not Super Metroid, but hey, it was a good attempt.  The addition of more "story" isn't a bad thing, I just wish Samus didn't sound so melancholy all the time.

Offline bustin98

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #126 on: September 17, 2010, 11:19:46 pm »
I agree that RE5 never felt like it tried to scare. It is basically an action title. I have no problem with action titles, but I missed the suspense of the other RE games.

Offline JonLeung

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #127 on: October 05, 2010, 08:13:44 am »
I finished Professor Layton And The Unwound Future (DS) and almost cried because the ending was so sad.  ;_;  I still have to go back and finish finding some of the puzzles, and do the remaining Toy Car/Parrot mini-games, as well as finishing off the last storybook.  I think, if only to see the stories with incredible animation, everybody who has a DS should play the Professor Layton series.

I really should stop putting off Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (PC) and Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)...though Wii Party (Wii) and NBA Jam (Wii), both of which just came out, are tempting, at least for the multiplayer...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 08:14:27 am by JonLeung »

Offline JonLeung

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #128 on: October 16, 2010, 02:04:26 pm »
I played and finished Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (PC) about a week ago over the course of two sesssions.  I thought it was weak compared to the other games.  Seems like every other game is alternatingly linear or open-world, and this was one of the linear ones.  No love interest, only a couple new powers (I played the PC version, not the Wii version which has more), and the dark corridors are kinda bland especially compared to the lush world seen in the previous game (the one with no subtitle).  They probably just rushed this out in time to coincide with the Sands Of Time movie.  It's not a bad game on its own (though the ending could've been better, what's with the waiting through forty minutes of credits for two still screens for the lame epilogue?), but when compared to the previous four Prince Of Persia games, it feels like it's the most phoned-in.

Started some Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2).  I don't mind grinding so I'm VERY early on and the three girls have already mastered their White Mage dressphere and soon their starting dressphere will be mastered as well.  Paine has almost mastered the Black Mage dressphere, too.  I don't understand the hate towards this game, it's not THAT bad, and I've been hankering for an RPG (other than just Pokémon) for a while (even though Persona 3 did take me five whole months earlier this year.  :P)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2010, 02:07:14 pm by JonLeung »

Offline RT 55J

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #129 on: October 16, 2010, 09:10:52 pm »
I finished Ufouria (NES) recently. It's a game I'd absolutely would love to love, but just can't. Yes, it's very solidly constructed and the cutest thing ever, but that just makes it's flaws all the more irksome.

Also for the NES, I've played Street Fighter 2010, James Bond Jr., and Vice: Project Doom, all of which I quit at the last level. SF2010 is probably one of my favorite NES games now (despite (or because of) it's glaring flaws), and I think the latter two would make for some excellent mapping material.

Right now, I'm playing through Shatterhand, and it's really good.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2010, 09:33:12 pm by RT 55J »

Offline alucard

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #130 on: October 23, 2010, 12:35:48 am »
I bought Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for PS3 and with it I got a free download of Symphony of the Night. Even though I have SOTN on Playstation and have beaten that game several times I went ahead and played it again on PS3 this time, beating it in about 14 hours. That game is so addictive to me.

Also still working on Dragon Quest 9 for the DS, and I took a break from New Super Mario Bros. Wii cuz I was busy, but just started on that again. I am in World 4.

Offline Peardian

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #131 on: October 23, 2010, 05:17:29 pm »
Kirby's Epic Yarn is so incredibly adorable! I can't stop d'awwwwwing at it. Waddle Dees made of yarn? Most adorable things ever!
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Offline Peardian

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #132 on: November 03, 2010, 01:16:14 pm »
Halloween night, I started Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. I just got the double jump and am mindlessly wandering around the castle. Even though I don't like most of the monsters, I am really impressed by the atmosphere and environments. The floating eyeball enemy is neat, but please keep the rotting bodies away from me. :-X
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Offline JonLeung

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #133 on: November 03, 2010, 01:54:35 pm »
I didn't want to be juggling multiple games again but somehow I'm still playing Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) (I'm grinding again, dunno why, I guess I just like to be overpowered) but then I started Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii) on Monday and also started GoldenEye 007 (Wii) Tuesday/yesterday since that just came out.  >_>

Debating whether or not to get FlingSmash (Wii) (mostly for the new Wii Remote Plus, which I wouldn't've considered if you'd asked me a couple months ago, but now I feel I should have four Wii Remotes now that my place is "multiplayer central") and Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii).  If I do, that's probably a record, I've never bought four games in one month before.  (Sure, Kirby's Epic Yarn technically came out last month, but I didn't buy it 'til Nov. 1, which is unusual for me, I usually buy every game on its first day, or at least first week.)  Who says the Wii is running out of steam?  Starting its fifth year (usually the final year for most Nintendo consoles), and all these games are coming out...not to mention Michael Jackson: The Experience (don't laugh, the Just Dance games are my guilty pleasure), Epic Mickey, and next month's Super Mario All-Stars rerelease.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 01:55:01 pm by JonLeung »

Offline Peardian

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #134 on: November 25, 2010, 01:41:39 am »
I beat Aria of Sorrow! Graham's second form was disgusting. And yes, I did use the maps here to figure out what I was supposed to do to get past the waterfall. :P

I would be playing Kirby's Epic Yarn, but my brother forgot it in his dorm room. Derp.
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