Author Topic: What Games Are We Playing  (Read 671557 times)

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Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #210 on: August 11, 2014, 06:14:53 pm »
It might just be me, but the first level of Shovel Knight reminding me of a Mega Man Stage with the sound, the ladders, and the retro feel.

Anyone else had that sense?

For me, it's the handling and controls that gives it a feel of a crossover between Mega Man (movement and super responsive controls) and Duck Tales (the downward shovel attack).
Current project:
Mega Man: Powered Up (PSP)

Offline tylerkendo

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #211 on: August 12, 2014, 08:08:30 am »
My friend suggested my a mmorpg game he has been playing for some time now to try it out with him, I think its something pwi. I will be giving that a try.

Offline JonLeung

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #212 on: September 22, 2014, 03:46:59 pm »
I've been busy with stuff, so I haven't had much time for games lately.  I did, however, finish Pikmin 3 (Wii U), which I enjoyed but thought was rather short.  I have yet to return to it and do the Missions and try for a better ending by getting all of the fruit, though.

I'm currently playing Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright (3DS), on Chapter 3, liking it so far.  Interesting how (so far), they've managed to keep the formulas of both games intact yet they also seem to fit together well.

Speaking of crossovers, funny how nearly all of the games I'm looking forward to playing are crossovers of some sort...

-Bravely Default (3DS) is a game I didn't buy right away and only bought recently, and my brother already finished it, but I have yet to start it.  While not a crossover, the job classes and spells are from the Final Fantasy universe, and I've heard it's a Final Fantasy game in all but name.  Funny how they slap the Final Fantasy name all over the place, except this game which apparently feels more like an FF than those other ones.  Guess I'll see.
-Hyrule Warriors (Wii U) mashes together characters from different Zelda games, and it mashes the Zelda series with the Dynasty Warriors series.  I don't like the "preorder from different store chains, get different costumes" thing, hopefully they'll all be available somehow, but just in case, I preordered at EB Games to get the Ocarina Of Time getup, because I feel it's the most iconic, even though I also like the Twilight Princess look.
-Super Smash Bros. For 3DS (3DS) and Super Smash Bros. For Wii U (Wii U), having played the demo I think I will probably enjoy playing as Mega Man, I'm hoping Pac-Man will be good too, so besides being a Nintendo universe crossover we have Capcom and Namco's mascots in the mix (assuming you can call Mega Man a Capcom mascot anymore).  And Sonic The Hedgehog from Sega, probably the best game he's been in for a while...
-Bayonetta (Wii U) and Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) I am sure I will check out...and while not truly a crossover, it does feature Nintendo character costumes, and equipping them allows for some of their moves too, like Samus's Screw Attack and Power Bombs (though that might just be in 2, and not the original, I think).
-Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (PC) features a whole bunch of DC heroes and villains, more than the previous one did, I don't get why they just don't call it "Lego Justice League"...
-Pokémon: Omega Ruby (3DS) while my brother plays Pokémon: Alpha Sapphire (3DS), I'm looking forward to catching them all again, since all I have left in Pokémon Y is just transferring and hatching, not catching, so hopefully this makes it easier.  While not a crossover, the games do connect with each other...okay, fine, so it's a real stretch...
-Just Dance 2015 (Wii U) features the Tetris theme...

Crossovers in games I already have that are still currently in progress include...

-Game & Wario (Wii U) - which I only got because Nintendo's Platinum rewards are lame this year - has a number of Nintendo references.
-Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) I already have played, though I haven't gotten Gold with three stars in the 150 cc cups yet.  It's a crossover because DLC is coming soon including Link from The Legend Of Zelda, Isabel and Villager from Animal Crossing, and a kart based on the Blue Falcon vehicle from F-Zero.  Also, new tracks, themed from Excitebike, F-Zero and The Legend Of Zelda.  The first of these is this November, I think.
-Ultra Street Fighter IV (PC), I guess the inclusion of characters originating in Final Fight make it a crossover too.
-Project X Zone (3DS) I could grab from my brother, since he seems to have given up on that...if I really needed more to play.  That's that Namco/Capcom/Sega mashup game.
-Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright (3DS) I mentioned above, which I'm mentioning again just because.

And in the non-crossover queue, I feel like I should get back to Tesla Effect (PC) and get the other endings.

Aside from those already out, all the games I mentioned above will be available before the end of the year, so I am definitely going to be busy...and who says Nintendo gamers have nothing to play?

Anyone else going to be tackling some or any of the above?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 07:40:21 am by JonLeung »

Offline JonLeung

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #213 on: November 10, 2014, 08:31:53 am »
Finished the main story modes in Bayonetta (Wii U) (Normal difficulty) and Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) (2nd Climax difficulty).  Love them both.  The second game is, in my opinion, better than the first for a number of reasons, but most certainly visually, with more vibrant colours, but both games are great!  Highly recommended if you have a Wii U, and if you don't, Bayonetta 2 (which is absolutely exclusive to the Wii U) should be a tipping point for those of you on the fence who don't have one yet.  As if it's not enough that there are already a number of good games for the Wii U, Link is coming to Mario Kart 8 later this week and Super Smash Bros. For Wii U comes out next week.  Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2's action and setting is a refreshing change for those who might be (somehow) tired of Nintendo's typical offerings, and the fact you get both games for the price of one is pretty sweet, especially if you missed the first one on the Xbox 360/PS3 five years ago (plus the rerelease of Bayonetta includes Nintendo-themed costumes).

I still have lots to do and unlock in both, most notably defeating the final boss in the first game WITHOUT the Climax Brace to get a proper ranking for the chapter (and overall), and doing all the post-game Witch Trials in the second game, but I wanted to quickly pop in and express that I think that Bayonetta 2 is definitely a contender for one of the best games I've played this year, or even in the past few years.

I should probably return to Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright (3DS) and finishing that (I left off quite a while ago with Professor Layton (supposedly) turned to gold, poor guy), and doing Looker's quest in Pokémon Y (3DS) to clear up those stories in time for Super Smash Bros. For Wii U (Wii U) and Pokémon: Omega Ruby (3DS) next week.

Also, I wasn't sure if I was planning on getting Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U) but the latest trailer shown in last week's Nintendo Direct makes the game way too cute to ignore now.

Do I play too many games?  :P
« Last Edit: April 21, 2022, 09:27:07 am by JonLeung »

Offline vorpal86

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #214 on: November 13, 2014, 02:58:47 pm »
Mario Kart 8 is the only Mario Kart I haven't played. I don't even own a Wii U. wished I did. Can't afford one.

I have been playing (and testing, helping out making stuff for it) Dungeon Heores

The other game I've been playing is one I just started making maps for that no maps exist for nowhere. NES Code Name: Viper. I've already mad it to level 7 which is the last level but just started mapping level one last night and finished it. I'll post it in a starter thread. Although Code Name Viper is... what some might say a rip-off of Rolling Thunder, it has it's own little charm to it. As others may have said, it's more of an Homage than rip-off. Lots of games are the same but different. Clones what have ya.. Heh :)

That's all I've been playing lately after Felix the Cat.

Offline JonLeung

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #215 on: December 11, 2014, 09:55:11 am »
I picked up Captain Toad: Trasure Tracker (Wii U) on Saturday morning because I noticed there was a deal at Target (while supplies last) where you could get a free amiibo with the purchase of that (or Mario Kart 8 or Super Smash Bros. For Wii U, but I already have those).  Since I had just gotten a Peach and Yoshi amiibo from my Secret Santa at work just the day before, my only remaining choices among those available if I didn't need duplicates were DK or Kirby.  My brother has a weird thing against DK, so we picked up Kirby.  Now for the first wave all I need - if I feel I must collect them all - are Fox (I've seen him around, but not much) and DK (a bit more plentiful, but my brother's weird about him though), and those three (Marth, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer) that according to the Internet may or may not actually be discontinued depending on the source and the day this past doesn't help that I've never seen them in stores (though my co-worker has) and that these stories are probably causing everyone to snatch the few of them up when they do appear.  Clearly they made quantities of these figures based on popularity - before all this, it was often joked there'd be many Wii Fit Trainers all over the place, which is clearly not true - and if you want Mario or Link or Pikachu, it seems they're among the easiest to find anywhere.

Anyway Captain Toad is fun but short...finished Chapter 1 and 2 (with all gems and the objective along the way, rarely getting stumped - except for finding a couple Golden Mushrooms) that very day, and finished Chapter 3 on Sunday.  The last three objectives were all Coin-based which were actually challenging, but I got them all before the day was over.  So it was literally a one-weekend game, at least for the main part.  I did all of the Bonus stages available up to before the ending, but other than the replay of the Chapter 3 Prologue, I still have the post-game Bonus stages to do, so there's that, I guess.  Story was barely there, unsurprisingly, but I liked the ending which actually did surprise me a little.

Despite being finishable in the period of a rental (that is, if I could find any place that rents games anymore), I'm actually glad it was short and that I could finish it before my temporary relocation (also why I can't update that often, lacking Internet access at this other place).  Also, with so many Wii U games that came out this year that I haven't yet 100%ed, it's not so bad a thing that Captain Toad isn't a massively epic game.

Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #216 on: August 23, 2016, 09:00:54 pm »
I know this thread is super old and nobody's replied to it in over a year and a half, but it's been too quiet here lately and I've finally managed to play a whole bunch of games over the last year I'd like to talk about! Maybe that would get the ball rolling again? Anyway, here's the first bunch of them (I have almost as many left to write)!

Note that I'm not taking into account the price of each game since nowadays, most of these are regularly on sale on, Steam and other places with 50% off or more.

-Antichamber (PC): This game is one of my favourite game of all time and is a first-person puzzle where the goal is to reach the exit of the complex you're in and, alternatively, solve every puzzle room and find every sign. The art direction is great both in terms of visuals (everything is cell-shaded and white with the occasional dash of colored lighting) and sounds (very ambiant music with sound cues like bird wings or thunder to help situate yourself). The thing is, the game world is made up of a large number of puzzle rooms that are connected in all sorts of counter-intuitive and/or impossible ways; if you like non-Euclidian spaces, this will be right up your allway. The world is confusing enough that the game keeps an updated map of the world keeping track of what you've explored and/or solved in the starting "lobby", a separate room you can always return too where you can use said map to travel to any previously visited room of your choice instantly.

Anyway, completing every puzzle isn't required but really fun and finding every hidden dev room adds some challenge to the game. The puzzles are never explained but the game teaches you its mechanics through environmental storytelling, and the solutions can be a simple as finding and using every exit from a room (some might be hidden) or opening doors locked behind block puzzles which involve manipulating little blocks using colored "guns" once you've found them. The game also likes to play with your expectations, like showing you the exit door behind a large window in the lobby; you'll actually end up behind this window several time while playing but the exit door will only actually become the exit door near the end of the game. I'm really bad at summarizing why I loved this game so much but basically, it's both calming and stumulating and there's nothing else quite like it.

-Back to the Future: The Game (PC): One of the older Telltale Games, it doesn't look or play as well as more recent offerings but it functions pretty well as an interactive fourth Back to the Future movie. The story is pretty good and does explore Hill Valley during a new time period (1931 during the prohibition), and it does get somewhat epic in places. Overall however, it feels a bit uneven and the final story runs out of steam a bit early. Still, the voice acting is great (with Christopher Loyd reprising his role as Doc) as is the music, we get to meet a teenage Doc, and experience a whole bunch of time alterations and paradoxes that don't always make sense but that's Back to the Future for you.

-Broken Age: The Complete Adventure (PC): It's funny that so many people still don't get what Kickstarter is about (funding an idea, not pre-ordering a product) or in this case, don't get what the campaign was about (making a documentary series showing the realities of developing an adventure game). By the way, the Double Fine Adventure documentary is amazing and practically required viewing to see all that goes on behind the scene.

As for the game, while I loved Act 1, I felt let down quite a bit by Act 2. Technically, it's very good (graphics, music, voice acting) and the story premise is intriguing (two teenagers from widly different circumstances, in this case a supersticious village and a futuristic spaceship, find their destinies intertwined). However, the second act barely introduces anythying new, taking place in almost all the same locations from act one but with harder puzzles and the story resolution just doesn't work as well as they though. I still enjoyed playing it though.

-Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PC): This was one of my favourite puzzle/adventure game in recent years. Set in a medieval fantasy world, you play two brothers as they set out on a long quest across many perilous regions to find and bring back water from the Tree of Life in order to save their dying father. You control both brothers at the same time for which you should really use a gamepad (unless you have a keyboard with n-key rollover) with each brother being assigned one joystick for movement and one trigger for action, a setup that becomes surprising intuitive really fast. The brothers can never get too far from one another and must help each other for all sorts of puzzles all the way through the game. I won't spoil the story, but the bond between the two made me really emotional near the end.

-Day of the Tentacle Remastered (PC): Well, there's not much to say about this game except to say that they've remastered one of the best classical graphic adventure game. I'm not sure a newcomer to the genre would like it as much as an old-timer like me, but as far as remastering goes, it's the best one yet for a Lucasarts game. The graphics, sounds, voices and music are practically identical to the original, only with higher quality/resolution and you can actually compare to the original with the touch of a key at any time. Aside from that, the new interaction interface streamlines the game a bit by removing useless commands on a given object, the puzzles are still somewhat logical considering the horrors of the adventure genre and the story (three geeky friends try to stop an evil tentacle from conquering the world) is amazing!

-Expand (PC): I really enjoyed this relatively unknown game and I really wished its maker had enjoyed more success with it. It's basically as much a game as it is a meditation. The gameplay is simple, you guide a little square around a circular "labyrinth" while really soothing piano music plays out in the background. You move in relation to the center and the path is always circular. Each time a "screen" is completed by reaching the end of the path, the whole screen rearranges itself as a new path with more obstacles opens up. Sometimes, the path requires that you move inward or outward with the whole labyrinth "zooming" in or out, which is weird but cool. There are actually 6 areas in total to traverse, with the first five teaching you each a new mechanic (touching anything red resets the current room, some obstacles disappear in certain areas, etc). I know it sound simple and to be fair, it's not a very long or difficult game (probably a few hours at most) unless you're really bad at hand-eye coordination. But the music coupled with the themes of the various areas of the game just work really well. The music in dynamic and in general is really soothing except for the final area where the intensity just keeps increasing with the danger of the level itself. This definitely goes into my favourite games of all time list.

-Firewatch (PC): This game is more of an interactive experience (which sounds better than walking simulator) but I love those, so it's not a problem for me! I can't really say much without spoiling the story, but you play as newly-hired fire lookout Henri who took the job to get away from personal problems. The game stretches across a number of (non-consecutive) days as you complete your daily tasks while your only real contact is with your supervisor Delilah via radio. As time goes by, you get to explore your feelings with her regarding your life and problems as mysterious events start taking place in the area you monitor. All I'll say is that the game's stylized graphics look amazing and I really got involved in the story and my character. Some people hated the ending but I was quite happy with it, and even though it wasn't a very long game even after exploring everything (3 to 4 hours), I enjoyed the experience a great deal.

-Fran Bow (PC): A good old graphical adventure games that ventures into both horror and fantasy quite a bit. I won't say too much about the story except that you play as Fran Bow, a little girl held in a psychiatric hospital in 1944 following the murder of both her parents before her eyes. She eventually gets pills that allow her to see another, more horrifying layer of reality and that's when things really start unraveling. As the game progresses, what's real and what's in Fran's possibly deranged mind becomes less and less clear as she attemps to escape from the hospital and find out what really happened to her family. The art style for the game is rather unique but it fits the theme well. I liked it very much all the way to the end even if I found the ending itself too open to interpretation.

-Gateways (PC): This is an indie platformer that is the closest thing to a 2D version of Portal (aside from the actual "Portal 2D" flash game). The graphics are a bit amateurish yet charming and the gameplay is really solid. As you explore a rather large laboratory with your portal gun, you can at any time create two linked portal and the genius lies in using line-of-sight to display exactly what lies beyond each portal from your point of view. Eventually, you'll find a few upgrades like the Size Gun (allowing you to come out smaller or bigger than when you entered), Rotation Gun (when exiting a portal, you kept your orientation as if still affected by gravity on the other side, so this allows you to flip the whole world by 90, 180 or 270 degrees) and the Time Gun (allows you to exit a portal before entering it) which lets you complete puzzles with more than one instance of you! The puzzles mostly involve opening doors by holding down switches or redirecting laser beams but thanks to the gun upgrades, the solution eventually become very involved and complex so if it gets too difficult, you can just go do another puzzle since it's an open world. I loved Portal for its mechanics so of course I enjoyed this too.

-Gone Home (PC): This "infamous" narrative experience probably doesn't require much introduction, but I'll offer one anyway. Basically, you play as a young woman in 1995 coming home on a stormy night to the new family house after an extended time overseas only to find out that both her parents and her younger sister are missing. Saying anything more would spoil the game and the impact it might have. In terms of gameplay, all you basically do is explore the house while trying to piece together what happened to everybody (hopefully nobody here on VGMaps is ideologically and rabidly opposed to this type of game or its story). I love this type of game, was really taken with the story and the characters and didn't regret buying it.

-Knock-Knock (PC): This is a rather bizarre 2D puzzle games where you play an unintelligible man with insomnia trying to make it through a number of nights in an ever-changing house where nightmares or entities keep appearing in rooms left in the dark for too long. You have to visit these rooms to fix the light, but it's not clear if doing that is ultimately good or bad, as lights tend to burn out and can attract the attention of "things"... I'll be honest, this game is strange and as intriguing as is it frustrating. It doesn't really explain its rules to you and you pretty much have to experiment to know which light to fix, where to hide, what to do if you can leave the house... It's been quite a while since I've played and I've forgotten much of what little I'd determined so it's hard to explain clearly. It's a trippy experience though, so if you like bizarre unsettling games that *aren't* gory, you might take a look at this if it's on sale.

-Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (PC): Okay, I know I keep saying "favourite games of all time" but I guess it's inevitable considering I'm going through a backlog of games stretching several years. So anyway: this is one of my favourite games of all time :P. Imagine a 2D Metroidvania platformer with the look and feel of Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke and you'll get the idea. You play as Ori, a little guardian spirit tasked with reviving the forest of Nibel after the Spirit Tree had its light stolen. As you travel across the forest looking for the Elements of Water, Wind and Warth, you'll both heal the world (making the water safe to swim in, creating large wind currents for vertical travel) and earn new abilities (wall climbing, dash, ground stomp, swimming, etc), becoming almost as mobile and powerful as Samus Aran herself at her most powerful. The graphics and music are amazing and you really have to see and hear it to understand how good this all is. It's also quite a challenging game even after you've earn every upgraded and max out your skill trees. I heartily recommend the Definite Edition which improves on the original (which it comes with if you buy it on Steam) by adding instant travel across save points, the ability to revisit a few areas that used to become inaccessible after completing them, and two new areas with their accompanying abilities and story extension. If you like beautiful platformers, you need to play this!

-Soldats Inconnus: Mémoires de la Grande Guerre (PC): Also known in English as "Valiant Hearts: The Great War", this is a puzzle adventure game with comicbook style graphics taking place during World War One inspired by letters from soldiers and people of the time. You alternatively play as Frenchman Emile, his German son-in-law Karl, Freddie the American volunteer and Anna the nurse. Each of these characters find him or herself serving, willingly or not, in this terrible conflict. This isn't a shooter however, and you usually find yourself avoiding gunfire while making your way across the trenches, healing injured soldiers, saving civilans from chemical attacks and just trying to survive in general a conflict that brought out the worst in humanity. I really can't say much more since that would rob the story of its impact except to say that as cartoony as the game looks (and sounds in a few places), it really helps to understand some of the horror and insanity the people caught in that war went through. I played it in French since it was originally a French game, one of the character is from France and the voice acting, especially at the end of the game, was just so moving... I cried. Not just a few tears, but a whole bunch of tears for a minute or so.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2022, 09:34:43 am by JonLeung »
Current project:
Mega Man: Powered Up (PSP)

Offline vorpal86

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #217 on: August 28, 2016, 07:06:31 pm »
Yes quite old but hey we are all getting older by the minute and time passes before we know it!

I also played Brothers: A Tale of two sons. The controls are a bit testy at times but I manage.

I've played and finished (Mostly Retro 8bit/16bit Steam Games)

Odalus: Thew Dark Call
Jet Gunner
Castle in the Darkness
Evoland 1
Strider HD
SuperFrog HD! (Yes SuperFrog!)
Double Dragon Neon

Aggelos - Very nice Wonderboy in Monsterland style game. I completed the demo but the full game may not even be ready. He has 2 other games called Eon which is  a very nice and colorful Shadow of the Beast style game all original gfx and a Zelda Classics Project full game called Golvellius la quete du second. It's prety nice for a Zelda Classics game.

I finished most of them and played a few Demos that haven't came out full yet but this is about it since over the last 8-10 months of my absence.

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #218 on: March 05, 2018, 12:36:29 am »
Anyone playing Neko Atsume  ::) ::) ::)

Offline JohnCalloway

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #219 on: August 29, 2018, 11:12:00 pm »
I know this thread is super old and nobody's replied to it in over a year and a half, but it's been too quiet here lately after reading this  i decided to give it a try and I've finally managed to play a whole bunch of games over the last year. Does GNC have phenq? I'd like to talk about ! Maybe that would get the ball rolling again? Anyway, here's the first bunch of them (I have almost as many left to write)!

-Back to the Future: The Game (PC): One of the older Telltale Games, it doesn't look or play as well as more recent offerings but it functions pretty well as an interactive fourth Back to the Future movie. The story is pretty good and does explore Hill Valley during a new time period (1931 during the prohibition), and it does get somewhat epic in places. Overall however, it feels a bit uneven and the final story runs out of steam a bit early. Still, the voice acting is great (with Christopher Loyd reprising his role as Doc) as is the music, we get to meet a teenage Doc, and experience a whole bunch of time alterations and paradoxes that don't always make sense but that's Back to the Future for you.

This was the game for me. I was (and still am) so big fan of the movie (all the parts, especially the fourth), that I kept on watching the movies and playing the game. Your mention of the game brought old memories back. Going to start playing the game gain.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2023, 01:40:27 pm by JohnCalloway »

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #220 on: September 29, 2018, 06:05:00 am »
It's always interesting to see what other people in the circles you follow are playing at the time. So why not all share here and see where our interests are. And just the games you're playing for entertainment, mapping projects aside.

I myself haven't been playing too terribly much lately, exams and all looming. I finished Eternal Sonata a few weeks ago, and everything I have to say about the game is wonderful. Being on the 360, it's one of the few bright and colourful games for the system, and one of the only JRPGs for Xbox gamers. It deviates from the typical RPG style in the figting system, a mix of turn-based and action fighting, with special attacks dependant on whether your character is in the light or dark. A very enganging story and a weonderful score make it a wonderful game inside and out.

Thank you for your advice.

Before that chugged through Rock Band with a group of friends, mainly on vocals since I was unanimously voted the only one of the group who could hold a tune, heh. Typical rhythm game, but changes it up kind of how it incorporates karaoke too, and all band members depend on the others to get through the song. All different styles of music here, not just classic rock like Guitar Hero boasts. There's also a pretty sweet character creation option, and you can change the visual aspects of your band member as you go through the campaign, getting money at gigs to buy new clothes, haircuts, accessories, and even deck them out in tattoos. The guys always hated it when we girls would always "go shopping" after a few gigs. but it makes it also fun to just watch the game.

I've also been playing Prey on the 360 on and off for the last few months. Not too far into the game, so it's hard to give a true impression of it, but so far I like how it plays with gravity. Nowhere near how they do it in Portal, but it's fun nonetheless.


This looks like a job for Science!

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Re: What Games Are We Playing
« Reply #221 on: May 09, 2019, 06:16:57 am »
Recently I play again Elder Scrolls Online and in my opinion, it is currently the best MMORPG on the market which can be a long-awaited slayer of WoW :)

In addition, we often return to the iconic Fireboy and Watergirl with a younger sister. I miss multiplayer games that you can play with the other player on one device :c

For the curious:
- WoW
- F&W