With the forums being very quiet lately, I figured (or hoped) that most of the regular posters were just too busy enjoying their summer vacations, or just the summer (hopefully, you've had better weather than us; we've broken records of precipitations over the last two months in Quebec dating back to the 19th century).
Personally, I've been really busy with work, and since I've already taking my vacation days to go to China this spring, I'm working harder than usual to cover my coworkers who *are* enjoying their vacations. Heck, with all the overtime I've been doing lately, I haven't done any mapping in over a month, and hardly any gaming as well.
To top it off, I managed to break my left pinky tow Thursday night (yeah, my first bone fracture!) while running after my cat to lock up her for the night (I can't let her run free at night, because she pends 90% of it walking over/rubbing on/rolling next to/meowing at me, either for attention or for food. Let's just see that just as I was springing into a sprint, my little toe slammed into a wall corner really hard, giving me the most pain such an action ever gave me (being a bit clumsy, I bang my toes often enough, just never hard enough to break something).
It took an hour to see a nurse, then four hours for an x-ray, and finally one more hour for a diagnostic, which was frustrating but understandable since there are only one doctor on staff for the emergency room.
Anyway, the bone is cracked but not completely broken, so I can still walk and go about my day as long as I'm careful and I keep tying my fourth and little toe together for three weeks. At least it's not painful as long as I don't strain it.
Anyway, enough about me (heck, it's so empty here I can my voice echoing back to me

), how is everyone doing?
Current projects: Ristar-The Shooting Star (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)