11:21 PM...and
it's up! 
(Also, Peardian submitted a joke for today, too.

Check out the Super Mario RPG - Booster Hill map...)
I'll have to spread the word about Metroid Dread before going to bed though...any help you can offer would be appreciated.

Oh yeah, maybe when that April Fool's 2009 article about Internet jokes/pranks comes up on Wikipedia, someone should add it...
EDIT: That's odd, I can't seem to find where the yearly April Fools' Day listing is... :/
I suppose I should go to bed...

By the way, the answer to the question earlier is: 789 rooms, including elevator shafts. That's 38,780,928 pixels, or 151,488 tiles. (That's raw final size - I had to handle less due to empty space, but also more due to backgrounds and water/lava.) The number of rooms in the major areas comes out pretty close to each other by coincidence - two of them have exactly 153. But I can go into the more interesting details later.