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Maps In Progress / Re: Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (SNES)
« on: January 08, 2010, 09:33:42 am »
*checks the ghost cave*  No good.  It has to be something the game turns and on and off.  And no kidding it's difficult, I haven't found a harder thing to hack yet.  The code I used to make the recent Brain Lord maps with was an X Y coordinate code, and even thought I found the codes for both X and Y the debugger would only able to break Y.

Mapping Tips/Guides / Re: Nintendo 64 Mapping Workshop
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:14:24 pm »
Yeah, I'll try more angles.  I don't want to hold up your posts.

Maps In Progress / Re: Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (SNES)
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:13:07 pm »
I once talked with a hacker who taught me to do something close to that using Geiger's debugger.  But first I have to find X Y coordinate codes with the regular old ZSNES and my first attempt failed.  I also tried to make an "always moving forward" code, because in Lufia you don't just start walking you move into the next available space on an invisible grid.  This too fell flat.  Embarrassingly I even failed to make a walk through walls code in Lufia 2 using Maxim's jump ability.  Unfortunately I'm just no good at understanding the finer points of computer code.  I've done everything I've done with my ability to do things wrong in so many different ways I eventually get it right.

Mapping Tips/Guides / Re: Nintendo 64 Mapping Workshop
« on: January 07, 2010, 03:00:16 pm »
*sigh* I was using 10.5.  I just picked up 11.5 and it gives me the same error.  And I'm even using a different computer!  All my ripped VRML's work in that stupid Cosmo Player for Firefox.

Maps In Progress / Re: Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (SNES)
« on: January 07, 2010, 02:57:57 pm »
Walk through wall codes are almost infinity impossible to make.  It's been a few years so refresh my memory, at any point do the characters pass through walls with no codes on?  For example when you use a high stepper to jump up or over things in Secret of Mana you're technically walking through walls.  If there's anything like that in Lufia I may be able to freeze it in the on.

Mapping Tips/Guides / Re: Nintendo 64 Mapping Workshop
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:24:24 pm »
I know where the VRML dumps go so it's fine.

OK I created a tiles folder and as soon as I started doing something it did indeed fill up with tiles.  Not ones I can use though.  I'm walking around on a field in Ogre Battle 64 and all it dumps are fonts and what I guess you would consider sprites.  I thought I needed the textures I'd be covering the 3D models with.  I'm even using the uCode for Ogre Battle.

Still working on getting a new C4D.

Mapping Tips/Guides / Re: Nintendo 64 Mapping Workshop
« on: January 06, 2010, 01:40:03 pm »
A few things.  When exporting VRML from 1964 how do you select the folder to export to?  And my project 64 folder has no "tiles" folder.

Mapping Tips/Guides / Re: Nintendo 64 Mapping Workshop
« on: January 04, 2010, 10:26:46 am »
Great, where was I.  My biggest problem currently is just getting C4D to read the VRML rips.  The message I get is "Error reading VRML2".  I'm looking for a different copy if C4D now in case that's the problem.  And of course the games I'm going for here are Ogre Battle 64 and Aidyn Chronicles.

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