I thought War For Cybertron was okay, but kind of short, and there are still contradictions between the G1 cartoon continuity.
I'm pretty sure the Marvel and Dreamwave comics had Sentinel Prime before Optimus Prime, but Zeta Prime now is? I got the first IDW comics collection, and in Spotlight: Blurr, they mention a Zeta Prime, but I don't see what would've been so wrong with keeping the Prime legacy. Not that anyone really cares about any Primes before Optimus, I'm just saying the convolution is unnecessary.
While the means of Prime acquiring the Matrix Of Leadership were certainly less epic in the War Within comics, I think, overall, I prefer War Within over War For Cybertron. It's too bad War Within Vol. 2 was a convoluted mess that introduced (but didn't explain) The Fallen, and that Vol. 3 never finished, so just pick up a copy of Vol. 1 and pretend that's all there is to it, since it works fine as a standalone story.

I thought I saw a promo image of Transformers: Prime before, where Bumblebee looked a lot like his movie incarnation. Is that still the style?
I wish Mainframe (now Rainmaker) would do a CG G1 Transformers. They did a good job with Beast Wars, and they knew their G1. Certainly computer graphics have improved since then and they'd be animating metal and plastic at right angles (or at least, more defined angles) more than fur and flesh in rounder shapes anyway, so it would look good...wouldn't it?