Turrican (Super Turrican 2)
For this entire review I'll be comparing this guy to Samus because he is in fact a Samus clone. Happily like you'd expect from a character designed after Samus Turrican is awesome. He's not perfect though, his jumping is only average. On the flip side his maneuverability is better then Samus' since he goes faster through air then her. Other then that to make Samus into a character suited for a game with lives, score, and time limits here's what the designers did. Make offense a power up / item based weapon that can handle attachments and loses potency with each death. Make defense a more then averagely complex health bar so different enemies do different levels of damage. Make versatility more unique to each level and occasionally requiring ammo. Turrican has Samus' morph ball and morph mines instead of bombs, which cutely become morph missiles in midair, and all of which require ammo. Turrican has a grappling arm that, unlike Samus', sticks to anything, and a stun beam freezes enemies like Samus' grapple beam can. Turrican's weapons are a little more classic then Samus' featuring big laser beams, flamethrowers, and homing missiles. Interestingly enough this game gives you a good idea of what a kill fest it would be dumping a high offense character into a basic platofrmer. This is a great game, I highly recommend it, I'm sure Turrican would devastate in even the toughest platformers.