Sorry for criticizing your work

i just took them randomly at the battletoads part, because that's what i was looking at, at that time. It's nothing personal

Actually, there are many people using sprites and backgrounds for games, you might already know the site YoYo Games where everyone can make any kind of game with an application called Game Maker, see it for yourself how many maps are used there from games like megaman, mario, sonic, etc.
http://www.yoyogames.com/makeI know it's harder, but that's the problem with everything, the more complex, the harder.
wow, thanks for the backgrounds, those look great.
I think this solves most of my problem, there are the moving volcanos and stuff like that, but oh well, i can do the little work. Thanks
btw, i don't think a map needs to be tiled in chunks either, that's harder to put together, it's easier when you just copy paste parts in other parts and see if they fit.