Author Topic: Prince of Persia  (Read 61459 times)

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Offline Will

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RE: Prince of Persia
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2008, 12:18:04 pm »
I have thought about your three choices Maxim and I believe editing it out with bricks just like all the other levels would work out well. That way you need not put a message saying the area is inaccessible and there might be little or no question about your final draft design. Hope it works out well.

Offline Will

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RE: Prince of Persia
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2008, 02:04:11 pm »
Maxim, have you yet sent the SMS Prince of Persia map of Level 8 (The Mouse Level)? I have seen it on your website but it hasn't yet appeared on this one? When you feel ready to submit it here I will look forward to it as much as other POP1 fans.

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RE: Prince of Persia
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2008, 03:10:03 am »
My mapping has had an enforced hiatus recently. I'd hoped to redo the whole game, since it was my first videogame map and has a number of flaws as a result. However, JonLeung has a free pass to take all of my maps from my site at any time, I just didn't prompt him.

Why is it called The Mouse Level? I guess the SMS version is missing something...

Offline Will

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RE: Prince of Persia
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2008, 01:44:40 pm »
I have finally done and finished the ZX Spectrum version of Prince of Persia. ZX Spectrum has yet to be introduced to the website but the first ZX Spectrum maps to come are Vigilante.

Offline JonLeung

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RE: Prince of Persia
« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2008, 10:30:07 pm »
I finally got around to finishing Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones a couple weeks ago.

The Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time Trilogy were among my favorite games of the previous generation (yes, I even liked Warrior Within a lot), but I remembered that I never finished any version of the original first game.  When I played that or its sequel, I don't think I passed Level 2 on either of them.  o_0  Is it weird that I prefer the 3D acrobatics of the newer games and find myself intimidated by the 2Dness of the old ones?  I really suck at the swordfighting...  (Perhaps the rewinding of time and larger health meters might be why the later games feel easier...)

When I pester Metal Gear Solid fans that have never played a pre-Solid game or Final Fantasy fans for never playing anything before VII, it does seem hypocritical that I never finished Prince Of Persia, even more so considering nearly every computer system and console has a version of it.  :P  I don't really have an excuse now, do I?  And after handling all these maps, even...

Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: Prince of Persia
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2008, 11:17:19 am »
Well to be fair, the old PoP games had horrible controls compared to the newer ones, which is at least one area where the evolution in game technology is really apparent.


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Offline Maxim

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RE: Prince of Persia
« Reply #36 on: June 01, 2008, 03:52:09 am »
Prince of Persia's controls are just somewhat less than real-time. You hold the jump button down and choose a direction for a standing jump, for a running jump he takes a few steps before jumping, when turning around it takes a while, longer if he's running faster - it's actually a lot more like real life if you think about it, having to build up to action and consider momentum rather than Mario's instant mega-jumps.

In other words, it is logical and self-consistent and as such you can get used to it the same as any other classic game's unusual physics. It's not "horrible controls" really.

Offline Will

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RE: Prince of Persia
« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2008, 04:36:39 am »
Say Terra, why not finish Prince of Persia 2, Level 5. As you may know there is a room missing. The room is located left of the starting room. To access it, go past the three rooms to the right to the room with the two collapsable tiles and two dart booby traps, which is the room just before the magic carpet. Smash both collapsable tiles and you have opened the door to the hidden room, then go back across the tricky trap room, past the lava and skeleton and up the spike wall. I'm sure you know how to climb up a spike wall. The go to the start room and you notice the left edge door that looks like a wall has opened. In the hidden room you will find a life enchancement potion. I hope my instructions help and Prince 2 gets entirely finished. Bonzai!

Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: Prince of Persia
« Reply #38 on: June 01, 2008, 10:44:42 am »
Note that I said "horrible controls" compared to the newer games, not horrible in a vacuum. I remember PoP2 featuring some truly evil jumps where jump a fraction of a tile too soon or too late resulted in having to re-do half a level. I'd chalk it to "old school hardcore gaming" where game where really challenging but in retrospect, not all that fun to play. It's just my opinion mind you, but it's really fun to jump around and hang wherever you want with the new Prince, while it's more of a chore with the old one. Anyway.

Yeah, I remember about Level 5. I just have so many maps going on right now (check my signature), and I'm not even sure I still PoP2 on my HD. I'll try doing that sometimes this month (can't promise earlier).


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Offline Will

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Re: Prince of Persia
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2012, 12:30:13 pm »
The Commodore 64 version of Prince of Persia has been mapped. This is not the official version as it is a remake done in 2011 by Mr. Sid, but  nevertheless it a fantastic improvement to the older 1993 C64 version made by an unknown company which does not make the full graphical or audio capabilities of the C64. Great going Rekrul.