Author Topic: YK's random map progress thread  (Read 88578 times)

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Offline YelseyKing

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YK's random map progress thread
« on: February 14, 2014, 12:37:19 am »
Tactics Ogre has always been one of my favorite games, but I've never actually seen any full maps for it anywhere. Thanks to a map modifier code a friend made for me, I went and ripped every map from the game, including a number from otherwise unplayable cutscenes. I've always liked this site, and wanted to submit these maps, but I'm not sure how to go about doing so, as I couldn't find any submission guidelines. Do I just submit a big zip file with the maps properly named? I'm not sure, and I don't want to create unnecessary extra work for the one updating the site.

As of now, I only have the base maps finished. I'm working on versions that display where hidden items can be found, as well as secret exits and other points of interest, but that'll take a bit more time.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 10:56:04 pm by YelseyKing »

Offline Trop

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 12:09:49 pm »
This sounds fantastic.  To get these up you can email these to Jon in your big zip file or post the zip somewhere else and post the link to it here.

Offline YelseyKing

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2014, 02:01:25 pm »
All right, I uploaded a zip file of all the maps, sorted and properly labelled:

Hopefully everything should be in order.

I should point out that I wasn't able to rip every small cutscene map, as many are apparently in a different format that is incompatible with battle maps. I'll try to get those at a later date if I figure something out, but no guarantees.

Like I said, maps showing locations of hidden items will also come later.

Offline JonLeung

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2014, 09:52:14 pm »

Though next time please send it via email to be sure I see it.  There's a "Contribute" button on the left side of the main page.  Though really it just composes an email to my address which in turn forwards it to my address...

What email address should I credit this to?
Should each set be listed one after the other?  Is this really the preferred order?
In Set 2, you have a Chapter 2 Battle AFTER a Chapter 3 Battle...this can't be right, can it?
What's with these CBattle and LBattle things?  Should I list it as "CBattle", "C Battle", "C. Battle"?
Are you're sure you're going to revisit these maps and indicate items?  (If so, I should probably tack "Unmarked" to the ends of all the filenames of these...)

Message or email me with this info, thanks.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 10:18:08 pm by JonLeung »

Offline YelseyKing

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2014, 10:31:17 pm »

Though next time please send it via email to be sure I see it.  There's a "Contribute" button on the left side of the main page.  Though really it just composes an email to my address which in turn forwards it to my address...

Will do. Sorry, I wasn't sure how to do it, and the reply I got earlier seemed to suggest I could contribute by uploading/linking to something on the forums. I love making maps, and certainly plan to do so again in the future.

What email address should I credit this to?

My e-mail address is "yelseyking (at) gmail (dot) com". You can credit them to either YelseyKing or YK. I go by the latter more often, but it's usually too short to use on message boards, so I just go with the "extended" version.

Should each set be listed one after the other?  Is this really the preferred order?

Well, Tactics Ogre has multiple paths that take you through different maps in different orders (and in some cases, some paths may feature maps not seen at all in other routes), and as such, there's no actual "perfect" in-game order. I sorted them by type because it felt like the most logical choice, though the "sets" and their respective numbers don't matter a whole lot and don't need to be mentioned on the site. If you'd rather have an in-game order, I can give that a try, but know that it won't be exact due to the aforementioned branching nature of the game.

In Set 2, you have a Chapter 2 Battle AFTER a Chapter 3 Battle...this can't be right, can it?

It's not actually necessarily a sorting error, because the last map in that set is just for a cutscene, and isn't playable. Figured I'd shuffle it to the end of that set as a result, but you can move it up if you'd like. If you do so, put it after the two Chapter 2 Battle maps, since that's where it appears in-game. Likewise, the three Baramus cutscene maps in set 3 would go before the two Chapter 2 battle maps, since that scene takes place at the end of Chapter 1.

What's with these CBattle and LBattle things?  Should I list it as "CBattle", "C Battle", "C. Battle"?
Message or email me with this info, thanks.

The L and C things stand for "Lawful" and "Chaotic", two of the game's routes, so you'd probably want to list them as "Chapter 2 Battle (Lawful Route)" or "Chapter 2 Lawful Battle" or somesuch. I should have been more clear on those. "Training Map" means that it's the map of that particular area the game allows you to train at to raise your levels safely.

Hopefully that should answer any questions. I apologize again for not being fully clear.

Offline JonLeung

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2014, 08:25:42 am »
Thanks!  Very helpful!  I have a busy weekend here, but I'll do my best to get them up!

I did ask one last question above that I was editing in while you were probably responding and didn't see it...

Are you're sure you're going to revisit these maps and indicate items?  (If so, I should probably tack "Unmarked" to the ends of all the filenames of these...)

Offline YelseyKing

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2014, 12:23:36 pm »
Are you're sure you're going to revisit these maps and indicate items?  (If so, I should probably tack "Unmarked" to the ends of all the filenames of these...)

Yes, eventually. Probably once I finish playing through the game again; give me a couple weeks at most. Before labeling maps as "Unmarked", though, I should point out that not every map actually *has* items. None of the interior maps (castles and temples) do, for instance, nor (obviously) do any cutscene-only maps. The Chapter 1 Griate map also, as far as I know, lacks items (that "battle" is so short that you'd have no time to *find* any anyhow), as do the last few "basement" floors of Eden (the non-numbered floors). Hell Gate's maps *do* have items, but not the last floor, or the small featureless generic floor. That should be everything.

Offline Trop

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2014, 07:42:46 pm »
So I looked at some of your other stuff and wow, is this "Frontiers Genesis" really entirely your creation?  It's gorgeous.

Offline YelseyKing

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2014, 09:33:49 pm »
So I looked at some of your other stuff and wow, is this "Frontiers Genesis" really entirely your creation?  It's gorgeous.

Well, the graphics are primarily ripped from other games (FF6, Lufia 2, Seiken Densetsu 3, Star Ocean, and Rudra no Hihou, to name a few), since I'm no artist, but the map design is mine. I've been working with RPGMaker 2000 for more than a decade, and have gotten pretty good with it. Alas, it doesn't work all too well on Windows 7, so I haven't been able to do much with the game for about a year. But thanks for the compliments. :)

Offline JonLeung

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2014, 09:56:39 pm »
The Tactics Ogre maps are now up.  Let me know if there are any issues with them.  Looking forward to the rest of 'em...  Thanks again!

Offline Trop

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2014, 10:33:58 pm »
Oh I recognize the graphics now.  I tried RPG Maker ages ago but never got anywhere.  Also we now have three full Ogre Battle games mapped here.  The two SNES ones and the N64 one.

Offline YelseyKing

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2014, 10:50:14 pm »
The Tactics Ogre maps are now up.  Let me know if there are any issues with them.  Looking forward to the rest of 'em...  Thanks again!

Looks good! The only things to note are that the first town is "Griate", not "Girate", and being that they're just effectively glorified cutscene maps, the job demo and tutorial maps have no items and therefore don't need to be listed as "unmarked". Should've made that clear. Other than that... perfect! I'll get those marked versions soon, hopefully.

As an aside, Tactics Ogre saw a port on the Playstation, and the game is completely identical (that's where I actually first played the game, though ripping maps from the SNES original was significantly easier), barring some tweaks to the save system and some slightly re-worked music. Graphics, map design, and everything else is the same. There's also a PSP remake, but not having played it, I don't know if it's the same; I very much doubt it, from what I've heard.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 10:52:58 pm by YelseyKing »

Offline YelseyKing

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2014, 02:51:47 am »
Just a heads up on my progress... I'm very close to finishing up the "hidden item" maps. Just have to finish the latter half of Hell Gate, which should be tomorrow or the next day at the absolute latest, and I should have everything.

Much to my surprise, I discovered that one of the cutscene maps (the one from Rime) actually has items on it. Quite *why*, since you never actually *fight* on it, I don't know. But they're there. I guess a battle was planned for that map at some point, and it was set up accordingly, but it never ended up happening.

I'm 99% certain that none of the other cutscene-only maps has anything hidden, but I suppose I could be wrong. I'll check them one day, I guess, but given their sheer size, it probably won't be for a while.

Offline YelseyKing

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2014, 02:55:08 am »
And... after much work... I'm finished:

Every map that *has* items hidden on it has been included. Turns out that Hell Gate B1 and B2 have nothing of note hidden on them, so they've been omitted. B3 has no items, but does have a notable secret exit (which is necessary to reach floors below it), so I included that.

Also included in the zip are the following:
-A chart to go along with the maps. Since hidden items are grouped by "sets", as opposed to being fixed items, I figured one big "master" chart would be easier and more efficient than trying to squeeze that info into each and every map.
-The Valeria Island overworld map (both marked and unmarked). It wasn't hard, and I just kinda overlooked it last time, so... why not?
-A very, very minor update (we're talking a single pixel) to the non-item Rime cutscene map. Virtually unnoticeable, but it bugged me all the same.

Anyhow, I guess I'm finished with this project, unless I eventually find a way to rip the various small cutscene maps... but they're stored differently, and I'm not entirely sure *how* just yet.

Offline JonLeung

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Re: Tactics Ogre (SNES)
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2014, 08:43:42 am »
Received, renamed, recompressed.  Will try and get up tonight.

Should be easy (especially now that the renaming is done), as for the most part it's just a matter of copying and pasting the existing table, removing the "(Unmarked)" tags, updating the file sizes (and the very few maps that have different image sizes) - and resorting the table.

(It's not always going to be this easy, so let's not expect me to always have super-quick weekday updates.  :P)