Author Topic: SEGA / MEGADRIVE - King Colossus ( J )  (Read 19802 times)

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Offline vorpal86

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SEGA / MEGADRIVE - King Colossus ( J )
« on: January 18, 2015, 09:16:07 am »
King Colossus (J) Eng Trans by M.I.J.E.T - MAPS

So here it is... I have 4 maps done including the in-game map.

This game reminds me quite a lot (at first and still a bit now...) of Lagoon for SFC SNES. (Lagoon didn't get very much respect...)

King Colossus is quite nice. The short attacking distance of the Hero is very similar to Lagoons but you start off with several spells you can cast and you get weapon upgrades. The game has some nice music and the GFX are appealing, and mapping it isn't too difficult. Most rooms so far are vertical up/down and it's pretty easy to map and once I get a feel for it I'll acquire a nice technique.

I'll try and keep the maps unpopulated from monsters aside from the main enemy bosses and actors to keep it clean. I've posted the four maps here but will upload to my Drop box for the remainder. I may change the current maps if it's needed but I've not seen any reason to go back to previous maps aside from Ganant's Place.

Anyway, here is the jist of things.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 09:16:29 am by vorpal86 »

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Re: SEGA / MEGADRIVE - King Colossus ( J )
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2015, 06:36:33 pm »
Alright I have 14 new areas mapped but some of the areas need to be mapped out more once I get access back to the area. The game wants to take you to a new area on it's own until you complete it then takes you again to another. Thus, this leaves me with half the maps unmapped completely.

Here are 7 of the ones I believe to be complete now. there are still 4 left unmapped completely since no access back to the area is available.

Ganants Place

Gryuud's Tower

Forest of Bewilderment - Main

Forest of Bewilderment - Pits

Crystal Cave

Shrine of the Sword - (Outskirts?)

Shrine of the Sword

BTW the game reminded me of Lagoon at first but it's much better as far as game play goes. There are some nice range weapons to use and it's just neat! Not very difficult either. Good balance of challenge tricks and traps... and secrets. Not sure how much more game there is but this should do until I finish. At least you have an idea of how the game is and what it looks like.


Offline vorpal86

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Re: SEGA / MEGADRIVE - King Colossus ( J )
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2015, 07:37:22 am »

OK. I have all maps done and completed the game. Almost ready to submit. However.. I ask some help on one area. I'll post the map below.

There are two areas of the Coliseum that I can not for the life of me access. Even though these areas look as so you can get there, they may just even be there to make you think they are accessible. It would make since to be able to access those areas considering all obvious areas of all other maps are complete as it would feel.

Area 1 - This area was mapped while being constrained to the guards pushing me through the door to fight. Once you gain control back of your hero you are tossed into the dungeon and you start at B1 where the hero is on the map. There is a door that can not be opened either. I've tried pushing up against every wall, defeating every enemy, jumping on everything on the floor but to no avail..

Area 2 - This area has two boxes on the other side of the wall but no access to it and a door that wont open. I was thinking a KEY somewhere around since several places has certain keys you find to open certain doors. In the waterway below there are two secret walls I walked through and got two treasures but no walk through walls on this map. I tried them all.

So, maybe some one can have a look for anything out of the ordinary that might lead to something secret. I am stumped. In the other coliseum there are two areas not accessible at first but later in the game you can get there from the castle.

Problem with this game is that it likes to control where you go and doesn't let you go back to certain other areas if you have already been through that part of the story. Even being on the map you can only select certain areas. GOOD gracious to save states!! =D

Have to think ahead and if something goes bad or takes a wrong turn at last you get an idea of what's ahead. A few areas are inaccessible for good once you do what you need to do there so you needed to get everything out of it before completing it or you will never get anything out of it again.