Well, to each their own, Peardian. But I don't really consider Castlevania games horror games. They don't really try to be scary. I certainly don't think so. The games just happen to have classic and mythological monsters.
And after playing Konami's true horror franchise, Silent Hill, I don't even find Resident Evil scary at all.
If you want to talk about crappy Castlevania games, there's Judgment, which I played recently. But at least find the soundtrack...it's rocksome! It's like official remixes of tunes from the various Castlevania games. Also, Legacy Of Darkness fans should be happy that Cornell is in this game and is actually pretty cool.
But, now we're really off-topic. We can debate whether or not we like Castlevania, but that's all opinion. I say it's FACT that .PNG is better than .JPG.

And it sounds like I should at least be a bit more familiar with this VRML stuff. I don't know that we will ever map all of the 2D games there are, but we will reach a point where we would've mapped all the ones that anyone cares to map, and then we'll have more 3D maps, or at least more interest in them, I'm sure of it. There will come a day when people who grew up in the N64 and PSX era will become nostalgic and more interest will be there...if there isn't already. Boy, I feel old, when people talk about N64 "classics". I still think Pok?mon is a "new" Nintendo franchise but it's already over ten years old... o_0