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Messages - JonLeung

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For this month's "Maps Of The Month" featurette, I wish to draw your attention to zagato blackfist's Skate Or Die 2: The Search For Double Trouble (NES) maps.

While sidewalk shredding, the local loco, Icepick, distracts you, causing you to run over the mayor's wife's poodle with your board.  The mayor bans skateboarding in the city of Elwood and, according to City Building Code 13.1689.04, Bylaw 86, Sub-Section 5A, your favourite halfpipe has been condemned as unsuitable for public usage.  To build a new ramp legally, you will have to make enough money to obtain a permit.  It doesn't help that Icepick is causing trouble for you and your friends!  Will you be able to build The Double Trouble Halfpipe?

The adventure consists of four levels with different missions.  First, you will get revenge on the mayor's wife (???), and then you will take a job making deliveries at a mall. You will recover Rodney's plans that have blown out the window and across the beach and, in the final level, you will recover the permit, rescue the kidnapped CJ, and defeat Icepick.  This non-linear adventure means that the maps by zagato blackfist will come in handy... you'll definitely want to know your way around that last level!  Every map, including the one for the ramp, has some tips, as well!  Very considerate!

So to recognize the effort put into mapping this skateboarding adventure, zagato blackfist's Skate Or Die 2: The Search For Double Trouble (NES) maps will be known as's Maps Of The Month for June 2024.

Gaming / What game is this? (Video recreation)
« on: May 27, 2024, 09:40:35 pm »
People asking to identify a game they recall from their past is a pretty common thing, especially on Reddit's r/tipofmyjoystick subreddit (as that is the whole point of it).

A user named RecloySo, looking for an isometric Egyptian adventure game on PC, has a very lengthy and detailed description of her memories of it, which is more than many people do.  But what makes this search even more interesting is that she has taken it a step further and recreated what she could remember from it in this video:

She insists this isn't part of some ARG, and state she is honestly trying to figure out what this game is.  Many suggestions have been thrown her way, but it is still unidentified.  "The Pharaoh's Tomb" is a common guess but doesn't match the time period, as it would have had to be before 2003.  At this time, in RecloySo's Reddit post, there is a list of about 100 suggestions.  Looks like people are suggesting pretty much every isometric game there is!

I skimmed the PC maps that are on (pretty easy to do for me as it's all in one folder), but the games that are visually close, like Twinsen's and Heimdall, have already been suggested - and rejected.  The mystery is currently unsolved.

Since many of you guys know games and maps, I wonder if this would be familiar to anyone, and can help ReloySo remember what this is!

Map Requests / Re: Mega Man Maps
« on: May 25, 2024, 11:04:33 am »
Another bit of news... two more Mega Man: Battle Network games, for Japanese mobile phones, thought to be lost to time, were found and restored by SciLab Secrets in late 2023.  These are Mega Man: Phantom Of The Network and Mega Man: Legend Of The Network.

As of today, you can get localization patches to enjoy them in English!

I guess this is another two 2D Mega Man Battle Network games that are technically mappable.

Map Requests / Re: Mega Man Maps
« on: May 25, 2024, 10:10:43 am »

I finished Super Adventure Rockman earlier this week!

If someone is interested in "mapping" this game by using a flowchart style, which I truly believe should be possible, I have a bunch of BizHawk save states for many of the junction points in the game, as well as before/after every fight that I could share with you.

The game needs more love - even if Keiji Inafune himself has disowned it.  There's only one guide for this game on GameFAQs, so I think it would be neat to see it all visually represented in a flowchart, like rdbaaa's "map" of Panic! on the Sega CD.

The thing that would make it easier than Panic! is that Super Adventure Rockman is actually VERY linear.  When presented with a different path, they usually end up on the same route soon after, so it's more like the choices usually just change whether Mega Man takes damage or finds E-tanks or database cards.

So, potential mappers, let me know if you'd like my BizHawk save states if that would make it easier!

VGMaps Social Board / Re: YouTube channel! (JonLeung1)
« on: May 18, 2024, 10:21:20 am »

My brother and I finally got around to opening the Zelda and Kirby Otakudama mystery bags that we got at the last Edmonton Expo several months ago. $45 (Canadian) each! Do you think what we got was worth it?

I hope this video does well.  I think it's a lot easier to "get", and I've seen in the past that people are really interested in what's in bags/boxes like these that they sell at expos/conventions.

Strangely, I couldn't find anything online about this "Otakudama" brand that's seen on these bags, so hopefully just by me mentioning "Otakudama", people will see this video if they do a Google search for it!

Map Gab / Hand-Drawn Game Guides by Phil Summers (NES)
« on: May 13, 2024, 07:18:18 pm »

If you go here and scroll down to "The Original Unofficial Guides, for FREE!", you can download .PDFs of hand-drawn game guides for some NES classics: Contra, The Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, and Ninja Gaiden.  When the art is cool (and cute), just generally well-done, there's definitely visual appeal to these.  I like the comic style and how there's just random drawings everywhere.  The Metroid and Ninja Gaiden ones are especially cute; I think the "seriousness" we associate with Samus and Hayabusa makes for an interesting juxtaposition when they don't look or act like hardened warriors.

I swear we talked about them earlier here in these forums, but I can't find that topic.  I know I'd heard about these before, something about issues with crowdfunding, maybe?  Unless that was something else?  In any case, I'd only just (re?)discovered that these guides are free, and it sounds like Phil Summers is working on another one.

Pretty cool stuff, eh?

Map Requests / Re: JonLeung's Requests
« on: May 13, 2024, 05:15:54 pm »
VGCartography is the first one to fulfill a PlayStation request, for Final Fantasy VIII!

It's an FF game that certainly has its detractors, but I have certainly enjoyed it at the time, and seeing as how the FF series is all over the place now, I think VIII being still in a now-classic era with turn-based (excuse me, "Active Time Battle")-style action, there's still much to like.  Looking at these maps brings back memories.

I always knew it would be possible to map.  I'm not sure why Final Fantasy IX wasn't on my request list (I have fixed that now), I think I mistakenly thought it had polygonal backgrounds, but they are actually prerendered, just like for VII and VIII.  VGCartography's taken care of a big chunk of IX too!  Those are up as well.

A bunch of maps by VGCartrography have been put up Saturday, Sunday, and today.  Lots of good stuff, really pushing what's possible.  Might have to rethink what I've deliberately left off my list, now that I see I shouldn't assume PS2 games are off the table.  Though my list is big enough already, LOL.

Thanks yet again, VGCartography!

VGMaps Social Board / Re: YouTube channel! (JonLeung1)
« on: May 12, 2024, 08:07:06 am »

Happy 1st birthday to The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom! Last month, I posted a strange video where it looks like I didn't know how to side hop.  But anyone who knows me would KNOW I know how to play Zelda games!  Still, did I fool anyone?

Today, on ToTK's birthday, I am finally revealing that that vid is actually a shot-by-shot parody of TeZoKi's video of negaoryx's infamous Breath Of The Wild moment, when she found the tutorial shrine (at 95 hours) and learned how to side hop after having already beat three out of the four Divine Beasts!  Yes, I deliberately avoided the Kyononis Shrine in my actual playthrough of Tears Of The Kingdom so that I could recreate this moment (at 295 hours) after I'd cleared four out of five temples.  (By that point I had also done everything else possible in the game, including finding all the Koroks!)

A year later, have you beaten Tears Of The Kingdom?

Map Requests / Re: JonLeung's Requests
« on: May 11, 2024, 03:43:04 pm »
mechaskrom has fulfilled a TurboGrafx CD request!  The first one, actually.  We don't get many TurboGrafx games as it is...

Though The Dynastic Hero isn't a wholly original TurboGrafx CD game, but rather a version of Wonder Boy In Monster World (Genesis), which mechaskrom has submitted unmarked maps for at the same time (to go along with Dammit 9x's maps that we've had for quite a while).  mechaskrom has also mapped and submitted Wonder Boy In Monster World, a European release on the Master System.

Besides wanting more TurboGrafx games specifically, my request for The Dynastic Hero is because I think it would be interesting to compare against Wonder Boy In Monster World.  And now we can do that with this triple feature!  Thanks, mechaskrom!

Map Requests / Re: JonLeung's Requests
« on: May 10, 2024, 10:44:38 pm »
Deja vu, indeed.  I'm sure we've seen me thank zagato blackfist for mapping an NES game before.

This time it's for the MacVenture game Deja Vu!

Ironically, I'm surprised we haven't already seen anything mapped of the three MacVenture games on NES (the others being Shadowgate and Uninvited).  Thanks to zagato, that's one down!

I'm feeling like I've thanked you before... you keep coming through on these requests!  Keep up the great work!

With "Beyond Shadowgate" (which I semi-recently supported on Kickstarter) coming soon, the NES Shadowgate - or the TurboGrafx CD game ALSO called "Beyond Shadowgate" - would be cool, too...  :P


For this month's "Maps Of The Month" featurette, I wish to draw your attention to mechaskrom's Dune II: The Building Of A Dynasty (PC) maps.

Arrakis, a harsh desert planet, is the source of the valuable commodity known as "spice".  Spice has health benefits, including the extension of life expectancy, and can alter the mind, like expanding sensory perceptions and even foresight.  Guild Navigators depend on spice for the prescience required for safe interstellar travel.  Spice isn't so easy to harvest and refine, as there are massive sandworms under the surface, and the native Fremen oppose off-worlders.  Even with these obstacles, the Houses of Atreides, Ordos, and Harkonnen seek to command and conquer Arrakis, as Baron Harkonnen says, "he who controls the spice, controls the universe."

A few years before the first game in their Command & Conquer series, Westwood Studios released Dune II: The Building Of A Dynasty, an earlier RTS (real-time strategy) game.  It even predates WarCraft (by Blizzard).  So besides building a dynasty, it was also pioneering a genre.  Herzog Zwei (by Technosoft) on the Sega Genesis may have come before, but Dune II is certainly meaningful in the history of the genre on PCs, where many RTSes make their home.

So to recognize the effort put into mapping this genre trailblazer, mechaskrom's Dune II: The Building Of A Dynasty (PC) maps will be known as's Maps Of The Month for May 2024.

As of a few days ago, with the update to v1.92, it now has .GIF support and a thumbnail grid.  Upon opening, it can also auto-load the text file folder if an alternate folder had been specified.

Thanks again to ImJohnJohn for implementing those changes that I suggested!

Maybe no one cares but me, but as I previously said, it's nice to feel heard, and to contribute ideas that actually go into something.  If anyone else needs this image/text association program, maybe a Google search will bring them to this topic and point them in the right direction.  So, anyone in the future reading this... you're welcome.  :D

VGMaps Social Board / Re: YouTube channel! (JonLeung1)
« on: April 27, 2024, 10:25:40 am »

I was about to share that I just made a YouTube Short for "Every #SNES Game EVER!" but realized that on these forums I didn't even share "Every #NES Game EVER!" which I made over a month ago.  So, here are both of them!  HIGH-SPEED IMAGERY, so be warned if you are sensitive about that.  Every box and title shot, too.

Map Requests / Re: JonLeung's Requests
« on: April 26, 2024, 02:28:44 pm »
zagato blackfist comes through with yet another of my NES requests, this time for Culture Brain's Flying Warriors!

Culture Brain had some interesting marketing back in the day, like some text-heavy magazine spreads, and I remember this game having a 16-page comic in the first video game magazine I ever had, the December 1990 issue of GamePro (a month before I started subscribing to Nintendo Power).

Despite my fondness for this, I don't think I've ever actually finished the game - perhaps zagato blackfist's maps will be of help if I try again.  Personal interest aside, Culture Brain's stuff is underappreciated, so it's nice to have another game of theirs mapped.

Thanks again, zagato!

EDIT: Some more "Flying Warriors" trivia of sorts.  When I made my "One Minute of Music from EVERY NES Game" video, it initially got four copyright claims at the start.  They were all eventually dropped, but then I got one more... for the Flying Warriors tune that is heard at 3:34:00.  Interesting that of all the NES tunes, that would be the only one that is an issue.  It has no dire consequences for my video - it's a copyright claim, not a copyright strike - but it's still interesting.

VGMaps Social Board / Re: YouTube channel! (JonLeung1)
« on: April 20, 2024, 10:57:14 am »

Finally, here is a minute of music (and clean box art/title screenshots) from all of the remaining SNES games (Mexico, PAL regions, and special competition cartridges).  Enjoy!

You've probably seen earlier on that I did an almost-12-hour one for the NES ones and the exactly-12-hour Super NES (Part 1: US & Canada) earlier.

I don't know if I will ever be able to do Game Boy, Genesis, and Nintendo 64 ones, as I alluded to here...

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