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Topics - MagnetiC

Pages: [1]
Map Gab / King Arthur's World (SNES)
« on: May 11, 2007, 12:57:26 pm »
A strategy game that my cousin bought and said I should try. I liked it a lot even though the gameplay is pretty slow paced and the levels can become very frustrating later on. You can also play it with the mouse which gives you the option to scroll vertical instead of only horizontal.

The first 9 missions are pretty short and meant as a tutorial, but after that the levels quickly grow in size and difficulty. The tutorial levels are all completed (some are almost identical to each other) and I'm pretty much done with the first real mission.


Ignorance is bliss.

Map Gab / Super Smash TV (SNES)
« on: May 07, 2007, 10:25:42 am »
My next project is going to be Super Smash TV (SNES). The game only has three levels and is pretty easy to map so far.

Stage1 has already been completed:


Ignorance is bliss.

Map Gab / Pocky & Rocky (SNES)
« on: October 16, 2006, 08:00:42 am »
Thought I'd make a post about my progress mapping Pocky & Rocky. The game only has 6 levels, so it shouldn't take too long finishing all of them. Here is a 'preview' of the first 2 stages.

Stage 3 is nearly finished and I hope to finish the other three before the end of the week, but that mainly depends on rl ;)


Ignorance is bliss.

Map Gab / Castlevania - Dracula X (SNES) continued
« on: September 29, 2006, 11:30:02 am »
I hope it's not a problem to open a new topic, since my previous one got deleted yesterday when the board was messed up. If it is, I apologize.

To continue with Revned's comments about the stairs of stage 3, I agree with you that they don't look all that good. So either I keep everything divided on every map or combine where I can (without it looking too awful) and divide the parts that are impossible or too weird to combine. The latter seems favorable since most people like the combined maps best.

Anyway, I finished mapping stages 4, 5 and 6. I've completed most parts of 4', so really only 5' and 7 left to do. Here they are:

Look here if you want to see previous maps:


Ignorance is bliss.

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