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Messages - The Ultimate Koopa

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 34
Heh. Take THAT dbarrier.

Please dbarrier. If you insist on pestering us, at least when you state what's incomplete, don't start listing every fucking game in the world.

E.g. "Nintendo 64 atlas".

Super Mario 64 is the only game that's incomplete

-- you'd stop about here--

-- however YOU have to do this kind of thing --

Mario Kart 64 = complete






















We KNOW what's incomplete and what's not. Can you just STOP pestering us, please?

Map Requests / RE: Super Mario World Chocolate Island 2 Incorrect
« on: March 18, 2009, 10:18:50 am »
OK, your majesty (dbarrier54). Is this to your royal liking, sir trollalot?

Map Gab / RE: Super Mario RPG Maps Status
« on: March 14, 2009, 05:31:19 pm »
Look you annoying little squirt. PISS OFF!!!

Map Requests / RE: Super Mario World Chocolate Island 2 Incorrect
« on: March 03, 2009, 09:06:38 am »
You see where you put "I don't see why you should pester someone who's already willing to fulfill your request"? I think you sould replace "request" with "demands" <_<

Map Requests / RE: Super Mario World Chocolate Island 2 Incorrect
« on: March 01, 2009, 05:36:43 pm »
OK, that's it. For GOD'S sake, dbarrier54, POST IN THE SAME THEAD! STOP MAKING NEW ONES. Also, it's wrong is it? Well how about saying how it should be?

Map Gab / RE: Super Mario World
« on: March 01, 2009, 09:03:59 am »
I thought so. And, how would be the best way to re-arrange the rooms so that the pipes don't get too cluttered and look like spaghetti? Would it be a kind of "trial and error" thing? I.e. just play around and see which works best, thing?

Map Gab / RE: Super Mario World
« on: February 28, 2009, 08:38:12 pm »
Just incase it gets buried with newer topics...

As you probably know, I'm trying to map out levels of a Super Mario World hack (or some hacks), just for fun (and to see how the levels actually look all at once).

Map Requests / RE: Super Mario World Chocolate Island 2 Incorrect
« on: February 28, 2009, 08:35:43 pm »
Yeah, that probably would look better, and make it easy/-ier to 'understand' the map.


Map Gab / RE: Super Mario World
« on: February 27, 2009, 12:59:07 pm »
JonLeung Said:
I thought that, for the most part, the choices we made when many of us worked on Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) worked out pretty well, with the pipes extended "outside" of the map pieces and all.  I think there may have been a fortress or two later on in the game where that didn't work perfectly, but you'd expect that as long as you have it fairly coherent, anyone looking at it would make sense out of it.

I'd like to know something about these "extended pipes"... and how the rooms were layed out. Basically, how did you figure which positions to place rooms, especially in stages where there are lots of pipes that go from and to different rooms, (particularly 8-4 in SMB 1)? And how were the extensions made? Were they "cropped" from a pipe in some level, and then copied and pasted for the required length?

Map Requests / RE: Super Mario World Chocolate Island 2 Incorrect
« on: February 27, 2009, 09:04:38 am »
God damn it, dbarrier. Just say what needs to be fixed. Now I'm going to pretend that the entire game of Donkey Kong Land has been mapped, but let's say I dunno Sky High Caper was incorrect, in that it missed something.

A Normal person would say: Sky High Caper is missing something.

But you say:

The Sky High Caper map is Incorrect.

Correct the following error(s) before continuing or I'll get you locked up for incorrect mapping. Listen to me for I must be obeyed.

Jungle Jaunt Correct

Freezing Fun Correct

Simian Swing Correct

Deck Trek Correct

Rope Ravine Correct

Tyre Trail Correct

Riggin' Rumble Correct

Congo Carnage Correct

Arctic Barrel Arsenal

Tricky Temple Correct

Kremlantis Correct

Reef Rampage Correct

Snake Charmer's Challenge Correct

Chomp's Coliseum Correct

Nautilus Chase Correct

Swirlwind Storm Correct

Pot Hole Panic Correct

Mountain Mayhem Correct

Track Attack Correct

Spiky Tyre Trail Correct

Error Sky High Caper is missing something

Landslide Leap Correct

Collapsing Clouds

Balloon Barrage Correct

Kong Krazy Correct

Construction Site Fight Correct

Fast Barrel Blast Correct

Skyscraper Caper Correct

Button Barrel Blast Correct

Oil Drum Slun Correct

Yes, it's annoying, isn't it? Well, maybe not for you.

Map Gab / RE: Super Mario World
« on: February 25, 2009, 06:37:20 pm »
Yeah I know but I only nagged when it's been months since they said it would be finished. Say, where has Fearnavigatr been anyway?

Map Gab / RE: Super Mario World
« on: February 25, 2009, 03:07:56 pm »
I swear he just thinks he owns this place. Remember back in 2006? It wasn't "Can you do these maps?" it wasn't even "Do these maps", it was "I want these maps done by next week". He needs to learn to not tell people what to do. "Please do these before continuing". Why shouldn't we continue? It's not your site, or your map, is it?

Map Gab / RE: Super Mario World
« on: February 19, 2009, 05:42:08 pm »
dbarrier54 Said:
Super Mario World is not finished

O 71-72 Levels Correct

X  1- 72 Wrong

Please Correct the following errors before Continuing

level error(s) Chocolate Island 2: Invalid Map


VGMaps Social Board / RE: Restored Access / New Forums?
« on: February 14, 2009, 08:19:03 pm »
It's probably best I don't post in this topic.

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