A li'l update with mapping
Final Fantasy II (U). I'm a little over halfway done so far; I'm up to Agart, just before descending into the underworld. It looks like I just may have the rest ready by this weekend.
A funny thing I found when re-mapping the Sylvan Cave was a hidden passageway that I missed in the corresponding Japanese version map. With most of the other caverns in the game, the hidden passageways aren't all that obvious, but in the Sylvan Cave, they just smack you in the face! Come on Squaresoft, you could've made it at least a little challenging, hmm?

On the bright side, it did highlight an error with my map, so I guess it's a good thing?
Also, one thing in regards to translations for the items in the Japanese maps. I'm not sure how many of you noticed, but there was an item that recurred a lot in many areas named 銅ã®砂時計 which I at first translated to "Copper Hourglass". When I was working on these maps, I would often consult what the official translations of more recent iterations of the game had named things, and for this item it ended up being "Bronze Hourglass".
I at first thought: "Bronze?! But it clearly says copper! 銅 isn't bronze! If it was bronze, it'd be éÂ’銅!"
But later on in the game, I came across other hourglasses, these times in the Silver and Gold varieties, so I ended up recognizing the pattern being presented. "Okay I guess Bronze would make sense here..." I thought. To verify this, I ended up going to a
Japanese Wikipedia page that had a list of all the countries that won medals in the Olympics, broken down in various ways, and lo and behold! they use the character 銅 for the Bronze categories. So I conceded defeat and ended up changing my translations in this case.
But one thing that's no secret is that the Japanese love abbreviating and shortening down words. So this may just be one of those instances. It certainly looks more elegant to have one character represent each medal rather than have one stand out with two characters. Heck, even the word
hentai (変態), a very well known word among Japanese aficionados, is an abbreviation of the term
hentai seiyoku (変態性欲) meaning "abnormal sexuality; sexual perversion". 変態 otherwise normally means "transformation; metamorphosis", but you certainly wouldn't get that impression from listening to anime with girls screaming this word left and right.