Hi, I'm new here (followed the link from tasvideos).

does [bsnes] support all the additional chips that later games featured like the Super FX, the Cx4, the SA1 and S-DD1?
Yes, afaik there's only the special chip(s) for the Japanese Shogi games left.
having to constantly use bgmapper is a pain
What are you using bgmapper for that vSNES can't do?
sprite placement viewer (I know at least one DS emulator has that, but I don't know if the SNES works in a way to allow for it)
Do you mean showing the coordinates as numbers, or the sprites as outlines?
How about an option to export graphics (be it tilesets or maps) with the transparent color actually transparent? Every emulator I've seen always exports the colors completely solid, which can be a hassle to use sometimes. Having an option to export with proper transparencies (by reading how the game uses the palette? I dunno) would be really handy for mapping and sprite ripping.
I don't quite understand what you mean.
I think he means exporting e.g. the sprite layer as PNG with all in-game transparent pixels set transparent (either via transparent color like in GIF, or alpha transparency).
I just saw this thread. I tested it out, and it appears that the colors in this are slightly brighter than zSNES and vSNES.
As TerraEsperZ said it'd be easy to convert 5-bit <-> 8-bit colors, but there seems to be something else going on.
The latest versions of bsnes calculate all colors at 10 bits per color channel, to allow for greater precision for its NES core and the SNES brightness register. This may be where differences might occur.
(I like it when the lowest bits are clear - means I can separate between pure PC white and pure SNES white in the same picture.)
Be able to turn on and off different parts of sprites like can be done in vSNES (That way if one sprite is covering another you can uncover it)
You mean turning off individual hardware sprites (0-127) to reveal parts of software sprites (e.g. the player character).