During the last few months, I mapped
Barbie: Magic Genie Adventure and
Momodora 0: Day of Birth (fangame), both for Gameboy Color.
I didn't mean to go on a GBC spree, but at a friend's request, I'm now mapping Metal Gear: Ghost Babel, aka Metal Gear Solid for the GBC. The first two stages (of 13) were previously mapped by Marscaleb, but I've started over from scratch so that all my maps can be consistent with each other, though I took some layout pointers from their maps, and I'm probably going to make seamless unlabelled versions similar to theirs.
Current progress: DONE and
Here's a sample, stages 3 and 4:

These two stages share a building, but some bits inaccessible in stage 3 are accessible in stage 4 and vice versa, hence the slight differences.
Since I'm making the first-pass maps using the Stage Select mode, the pick-ups are currently labelled according to Normal difficulty.
I hope to go through and check the pick-ups on other difficulties after I've finished the Normal maps, and then based on what kinds of differences there are, I'll decide whether to make different versions of the maps for different difficulties, or whether to include everything in one map and indicate on the labels which difficulties have which pick-ups. I'm going through all the difficulties to check the pick-ups now. The difficulty-restricted items will have a difficulty level indicator in their labels indicating which difficulties they can be found on.
I will not be mapping the VR missions or the special versions of the stages, I'm not
that into this game xP