It's really hard to even mention that you're a Mac user without it possibly sounding negative. >_< I don't use a Mac, so I can't see exactly how you see, so how else can I say "show me how your Mac browser shows it"? It's not like I said it in italics, like "show me how your Mac browser shows it" that would be unnecessary emphasis and more likely to be insulting or something.
Fine, I'll look into the CSS thing (look, I only learn what things are as I encounter them, as bad as that sounds) but even so, I don't think I'll necessarily change things to how you might like.
For example, the directory with the small text? I've always seen it that way. To change it "back" would be, well, to me it'd be no different and I think it's best that way.
And this is not a knock on your personal opinion, but I'm not sure how the text in the table qualifies as "too big". It's not like it's hard to read or crowding up the table. I thought that larger text would be better since I enlarged the tables earlier.
I'm sure I sometimes come off as stubborn. >_<